
You’re a piece of shit Ajit.

SIR, ill have you know that Tesla fanboys have fought and died for your rights overseas. Tesla fanboys have been persecuted for far too long for their fruedian love of musk daddy

Yeah, we invaded and annexed Mexico in 1836, and we’ve seized and held part of Cuba illegally since 1959 and been using that as a torture camp. Our moral high ground is pretty sketchy there.

You know what gets me? That whole “A Few Bad Apples” defense? It forgets the next like “A few bad apples... spoil the whole bunch.”. These departments, a LOT of departments, need to have a whole house cleaning, down to the fucking floor boards. Rip out all the training material. Rip out the senior officers. Start it

Be... sure.... to... drink... your... Ovaltine!

He’s a senator from Alabama- a centrist Democrat. So, it makes sense that he’s going to show up on these lists.

Now playing

Well, according to Stephen Miller the poem is not relevant because it was added later to the Statue of Liberty.

Ironically she has taken up cyber bullying as her cause. Whether she is for it or against it is yet to be seen...

Meehan has prioritized sexual assault as a congressman.

Anymore,I’m starting to think that the easiest way to figure out if a politician is up to something shady,is to watch anything they vociferously champion or pursue,then dig around and see if they’ve been accused of it themselves. Cause almost every time one of them makes a fuss about an issue,whether it’s

Trump is in his office furious that he can’t take Air Force One to Mar A Lago.

Trump is sitting in his office wondering why no one has brought him the bankruptcy forms to sign.

Not even gonna download it for free. Fuck em’!

Probably because it’s 100x bigger, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Probably because it’s 100x bigger, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“You want to talk about homophobia? I work with Ellen Page, who fights for LGBT rights. You want to talk about racism? I work with Jesse Williams, who fights for civil rights in the USA... Judge me by my work.

That’s like Roy Moore’s wife when her response to their anti-Semitic accusations what that they had a “Jew Lawyer”

“You want to call me sexist? I know the name of a woman! You want to call me racist? I know the name of a Black guy!” *sigh*

The names and resumes of those attached to this fill me with hope and delight. Now I just need confirmation that Lance Reddick will be in to reprise his role as Charon. Please?


No explanation for why the video was #1 on trending for a very long time, why YouTube didn’t take the video down themselves (Logan took it down himself), no explanation for why his apology video was #1 on trending for several days, and no explanation as to why his projects are only put on hold and not canceled