
This is why people say the left eats itself.

Who knows. The problem is that the big baddie is The Witness. Who was a character that no one ever mentioned or referenced in all of D1, and only entered into the lore of D2 back, what, 18 months ago? Two years, maybe? We (or maybe just I) always associated the Darnkess with more of the Hive, but whatever. Perhaps

“The Final Shape” is supposed to bring the light and dark saga to an end. Do I know what this means? Hell naw. 

So I’m assuming that this is the absurdist headline that every aspiring journalist someday dreams of writing?

Since he beat cancer, shouldn’t he have to give the card back?

While still disappointing, I don’t find it very surprising that a developer from a country in which 98% of the population share the same ethnicity and culture struggles to grasp the depht and importance of representation issues.

If the lead of a major video game series can’t afford to run a car based off work on said series then maybe it’s not a sustainable industry? So if everyone took your advice we would get shittier games?

I like the idea because it forces you to think on your feet. XCOM can devolve a bit into doing the same thing on repeat, so it helps avoid that.

Aww man, how cool! Putting this man’s hateful words into a video game background and giving him exponentially more exposure!

The feature; the ability to middle click on an enemy unit to see detailed stats about it, special abilities, loadout etc.

It’s just for me. I didn’t have a PS3 or a PS4 and I just got a PS5 so this is great for me.

IP laws are so broken. Digital distribution is so broken. Nobody is ever going to fix this and it’s actually gonna get worse in the future.’s a freaking startup, can you just give him some slack.

Every day’s great — but today’s kind of sad — at your Junes.

I say that if you can’t afford to run your business by paying people a living wage, then you can’t afford to run your business.

Sadly, this is 100% textbook behavior of what recovery therapists refer to as “flight to health”. The grandiloquent epiphanies, entering a serious romantic/sexual relationship, the recovering addict impregnates their the partner, and the addict elevating the partner to savior status are all enormous, post-active addict

“Sounding suspicious as hell”, “not trusting banks”, and “raising red flags for random internet commentators” is not, as far as I’m aware, any legal test for the seizure of assets.  

13 is overlong and only gets going towards the very end, both narrative- and gameplay-wise. Like, the combat is really fun once you get there, but by the time you’re there you can fuck up your characters because the game loves to handhold you and yet not contextualize anything you do. The story is a mess of given

Persona 3's story is still my favorite out of all of them since I played it just at the time where I was a teenager going through my own struggles with existential dread and fears of death. Which Persona 3 faces straightforward.

So while I’ll always enjoy Persona 4's small time town with friends vibe or the rage