
Mass Effect was an amazing event.

You can, if you purchase them. I get it, it’s easy to tunnel vision about subscription services.

I just want to point out that they think we’re fucking chumps, and they’re right. Andromeda and Anthem were severely misguided, and there’s no proof as of yet that they won’t fuck up Mass Effect. But 2 years and 2 30-second trailers is all that people need, apparently.

Does this even work? I googled “vaginal yeast as starter”, first result is a Jezebel article from 2012 about how it doesn’t work. The second result is from The Order of Yoni website about how it definitely does.
I don’t much care about the ick factor - you’re either into or not, don’t yuck anyone’s yum. I’m more bummed

I just started playing Donkey Kong Country 2 on my Steam Deck. The Rare logo build starts and I’m like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

In context, ending the article title with “...Xbox Now” is incredibly confusing. I can explain why, but I think it would be best to remove “Now”.

So... you still can’t lay it on its side (without a side-specific stand [that’s for laying down])?

For what it’s worth, I love that the AI photos are clearly sourced/inspired/stolen/whatever from Japanese Kirby, but the prominent is angry, dude-with-a-tude American Kirby.

oh man please please please put out a teaser trailer this month that ends with another 12-year release window

You’re correct that pointing out a fallacy is not an argument. I wasn’t actually making one. The point is, if we all knew what they were, we’d call them out immediately and get down to the actual argument.

It really, really, really can be all of it at the same time. OP didn’t mention any of the other ones.

I didn’t watch it but based on the article it sounds like a developing situation that won’t be solved in one presentation.

Another user (SimonC) found it - Dead Island: Riptide.

Looks like you are correct, although it appears to be Dead Island: Riptide specifically.

Never played Acid, but would love to (have access to it).


I used to regularly playtest games (they’ve stopped emailing since the pandemic [or because I aged out]). One time it was a long session, they gave you 4 games. Of them one was Lollipop Chainsaw. Pretty sure I still have it sealed.

I thought this was the “disembodied bust” collector’s edition game. Maybe that was a Resident Evil.

fwiw has all the info you need on phones (maybe (probably, I haven’t checked))

It’s a little weird, but along with Gamespot and IGN and Giant Bomb I’d be listening to CNET podcasts as a mid/high schooler. So it kind of fucking sucks that it’s become a hellhole.