
Can’t wait for that Master Chief/Cortana softcore sex scene.

who the fuck is eric garland

You say this like a joke, but the Zune was miles ahead of the iPod, and iPods are somehow still around. I blame phones rise in popularity as Jacks of All Trades, and Apple’s inexplicable name recognition when they aren’t the innovator, creator, best in category, or cheapest. How DO THEY do that?!

Heh I just found my old Zune HD, funny part is the hardware was nice at the time. The Desktop app to deal with management was so bad though.

Guardians will bring back the Zune next.

It seems like there is such a simple solution to this. Require complainants put some dollar amount in escrow when filing a complaint, if it is found to be invalid, the person they filed against gets to keep it.

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.

Never knew who he was until this video so it has certainly helped expose him to more people. He was on national news and I am sure a whole lot of people checked out his videos because of it which has made him and Google a lot of money.

Just now realized Rand Paul and Ron Paul are two separate people. Thank you for this service.

Why don’t I feel bad about this? Oh, right! Stan Lee has stolen from people for DECADES (*cough* *Jack Kirby* *cough*) & he has more money than God. $300k is like a cup of coffee for this guy.

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

You really couldn’t tell he was joking? Seriously?

I’d be careful with this new information, because some men could find a way to stimulate their prostates with the help of other men and that would mean no pregnancies from then on, which in turn would signal the end of Humanity.

“He felt them everywhere—his penis, his anus, his pelvis, and his perineum (the place between the anus and the scrotum)”

The Notch on the iPhone X”

Want to save the Bolivian Salar? Stop using smartphones, laptops, tablets and electrical cars. Or invent a viable alternative to Lithium batteries.

As a Federal contrator, I guarantee that the cost for outsourcing this will cost tax payers more than three fold what they are claiming it saves. And it will be a no bid contract given to some Donor’s “small business” under a shell company.

If *45 took one weekend off from golfing—one—that would be enough savings to keep the site running for fifty years. It’s not about the money. It’s about silencing dissenting voices.
