
The mistakes we DO make are what defines us. Why doesn’t this dawn on slapdicks, I have no idea.

So the dude who made a name for himself being an asshole to people in online games turns out to be an asshole in real life?

“I’m taking time off to work on personal problems” would have been sufficient.

I get wanting to keep your fans in the loop, but that’s a whole lotta transparency.

We (in Atlanta) called my brother (in Auburn) and threatened to pull his plate at Christmas breakfast and dinner if he didnt vote today. Black folks everywhere should take this win.

Yeah but if everybody tweets inaccurate stuff about him, we can keep him tied up responding to them so he hasn’t got any time to do any damage.

AND the guy is an Alabamian. Pathetic. I live the next two cities over but it was too cold to go and protest. Those dummies don’t listen anyway.

Also because the materials expensive phones are made with can often make them slippery. My Galaxy 7 Edge can be like a bar of soap sometimes. A case really helps. 

That is because 10 dollars is a reasonable amount to spend to avoid a 200 dollar repair on their 1,000 dollar device.

You should really use a case.

Awwwww. Are we supposed to protect all the little right wing snowflakes widdle feelings? Should we give them a safe space?

If you consciously voted for a abusive white supremacist because you felt spiteful that other people said mean things about you - such as you were stupid enough to consciously vote for a abusive white supremacist - you are objectively a stupid, selfish asshole.

It can be two things!

I 100% support this.

They know they don’t need to hide anymore, so they can be as brazen as they like, gloating and tea-bagging the rest of us on their way to (rob) the bank.

Whats the endgame here. Say there finally is some smoking gun they collaborated with russia etc. Your looking at a competent politician Mike Pence walking into the oval office and running things. If you think this guy didn’t insulate himself from the 500' deep pile of dogshit that took place you’d be wrong.

I expected Zelda to take it, but I’m genuinely happy that Nier won best music.

Russian? This is the classic Nazi line. So It's a German accent you're looking for.

You just tell them how humans are really just a virus and they'll hand over the Zion Mainframe codes.

Same deal.. you say whatever they want to hear just to make it stop. difficult to tell truth from fiction.