
While updated graphics would be nice, I find their aesthetic enjoyable. The only thing I’d love for them to fix is the combat - guns would shoot in an octagonal pattern around the reticule. I always thought that it was janky as shit for a AAA GTA game.

I saw that large tower/antenna fall and my first thought is, “Man, I miss Split/Second.”

Deservedly So

If only BG&E2 got that 120M instead...

I vaguely recall reading some article about how Netflix guarantees every show 3 seasons, because they have the money to do so, as well as the patience to let it play out, breathe, and see if if the audience bites.

You know what that means. New controllers! That’s always my favorite part.

I still haven’t played it (any of the XIII), but I really want to for some reason. More to do with podcast nostalgia than the actual game.

When I read Philip K Dick’s Ubik years back, I thought the part where MC has to pay his door a nickel to open was an extreme extrapolation.

My brain reads “Cawthon” as “Cawthorn”, which, you know, potayto-potahto.

At some point I started seeing regular Tamagotchis at the local sports store, and I was seriously considering getting one (only 20 bucks).

Some of these are bad entries, IMO - is the game really ‘missing’ if it was announced within the last 12 months? That’s just regular the development/promotional cycle.

TBF it’s been schrodinger’d at least twice now, three including this one.

I’m disappointed by the lack of BG&E2, but in a way it’s a kindness - I can completely write it off as dead.

Oh, but what if it was...

I’m here for the non-ironic responses to your comment.

I’ll be honest, I did not see this coming. I was confident that they were done with the public-facing stuff, and going to get jobs in PR or marketing or something. I’m curious where this will go.


It’s fucking insane Vin Diesel is in Ark 2, as a main character maybe? I knew it was big, but not that fucking big.

The actual nature of the article aside, I found the influx of porn stars on Twitch fascinating. During COVID they’ve obviously had less work available (though there’s still some, and a lot more virtual stuff going on) but seeing them on Twitch has been cool because, for one, it humanizes them more than has been

Bless you.