
It’s basically a decent buff for the early areas of the DLC. I don’t know if it will end up being correct in the end, but it won’t make anyone OP.

It’s technically a buff, but I’m glad for it as I’m always missing a handful of seeds under the max potions as well. I have no intention of ever finding them, so I don’t need to get too fussed after I’m 12.  I don’t love the fragment mechanic.  Not that it’s terrible, but it’s not necessarilly fun.  I’d almost have

YES! give me more!  I’ve craved for some depth.  It really helps my brain click for understanding those extreme scales.

I’m not a fan of the show much, but that helmet is sick. It kind of gives me FromSoftware vibes. I’d be wearing that in Elden ring.

No offense taken. “I will be fine” read “America will be fine”. I’m not evaluating my word use all that hard while at work. But I absolutely watch John Oliver. Tho, his seasons schedule confuses me so i tend to just go back and catch up. So I’m behind a bit. My favorite news podcast is Breaking Points (my

Dude, I feel bad that you have to live with that brain of yours. What effect does calling me a Trump supporter do? It’s not going to make me feel any worse than I’d feel if i decide to vote for Biden. It’l be equally as infuriating.

This is a confusing article, but I can’t poke a hole in it.  The show does kill people.

Buddy, you can’t sniff Taibbi’s jock strap as a journalist. 

It should just be similar to star wars the force unleashed with Starkiller (though he was way to OP and it doesn’t need to be a dude). but any story focusing on young sith should be awesome. We’ve only gotten that with Kylo and I’d argue his struggle was the best part of that trilogy.

Oh I should add! if trump were to pick someone like MTG to be his VP, I’d switch back to Biden.  Taylor-Greene is even worse than Kamala.

If you are trolling, I give you respect. Otherwise...

That’s just an opinion based in fear.  I don’t like to do those.

I have an employee at my Not for Profit. Her name’s cookie and shes 83. She in such amazing condition compared to both of them, but the same age.

No, I don’t think it will be better the second 4. It’l suck and I’ll be embarrassed for our country, but I will survive.

What world do you exist in? Like are you some creature created by the internet? I think there is a high probability that Biden may not survive another 4 years meaning I would potentially have her as my president. Trump passes my eye test for “Is this person going to die within 4 years.” So I’m not worried about a VP.

Yea... I’m down for this. People also forget how cool Chris Evans was before he played goody-two shoes Captain america.

I’m undecided at the moment. Biden would get my vote if his VP wasn’t Kamala. But if I had to vote today... I lean Trump. Would like to see Thursday though.

I think you’re describing “Entrepreneurs” that I very much dislike. Anarcho Capitalist just has a ring to it though.

Didn’t you tell me to touch grass? Buddy, you’re in too deep. just far too deep.

Haha, I bought my house in Indiana (amazing prices) 2200 square feet, 2.5 baths. I got it in November 2020. I bought it for 208k (it was in horrible condition due to an elderly smoker) at 4.75%. Within 6 months I was being assessed property tax values at 310k and a new mortgage would run you at least 2% higher.