
I think your point is more about vibes, which I agree, but weed is soooo profitable. It’s an emerging market that will go lame and corporate in the next decade.

I think the great risk to America is that wealth gap. It’s growing too quickly, and I think the comforts of the 21st Century have alleviated some of the crazier sides of people’s inequality. But push that too far and even americans will start coming for heads.

I don’t love this one. There are just far too many unknowns and far to many serious allegations being thrown around. If it’s true then screw him, and I do like his content. Otherwise... let’s just wait and assess.

I don’t actually think I disagree with you, but I am curious what the Atheist edgelord section of the conservative base is. I’m struggling to put my finger on that one.

You gotta stop labeling people conservatives just because they don’t agree with you. Also, you’re just repeating every CNN argument ever made.

Setting the world on fire and doing nothing while a fire takes over the world is the same result just a different angle.

it’s a walking corpse vs a lunatic.  I don’t think either choice will affect your ethics much.

He could have a 1000 kids and pay each a million dollars each year to live and not even dent his budget.

He just took the whole population scare thing and said “Ill do my part”. This is definitely one of the more wierd things about him. As I generally think he doesn’t intend to have large relationships with them. He coul also be doing... King George? whoever the king that everyone descended from. He could be really

We should also keep an eye out for their landing craft.

You been in my head today?

Good commenting.

Thought these were trucks purchased by people.   That would have sucked so bad if somebody was just spraying your Cybertruck in the driveway.  These are on the lot though so no one’s too harmed here.

It’s must watch. There’s just far too many obsurd outcomes possible. It won’t be a good debate by standard terms. But it’l be a hell of a debate in WWE terms.

Feels like the outlets on the left should have raged a bit more for a new candidate.

Definitely have a differing take here, but I think this is going to be must watch TV. I think Biden is at most risk here. So CNN had videos of the first Biden/Trump debates from 2020 and Biden was just more... ALIVE. He was quick and basically just acted like a rational guy. Which was his selling point at the time.

Me saying I was projecting was an attempt to show awareness you silly boy ,Christo. Way to punish it.

How dastardly of you! You’ve called me a Republican and insinuated all of the things that comes with it?!

Bahaha... it’s like you went for the record for most patronizing responses. And yes, you discovered my opinion and if you generally think that the Acolyte is good... then you have awful taste. Which is very cool because you can enjoy all of the terribly written and produced shows.

I just find the acolyte defense infuriating. which I’m projecting on you, but that show sucks balls whether its woke or not.