
She was annoying, but I do believe that was intended. I would imagine this one would portray her having grown since the old couple.  

These movies are definitely good.  Not for everyone, but creative and well done.  But Mia Goth dominates that role whether you like the show or not.  I would imagine the director wouldn’t even imagine someone else for the role.  She just nails the character.

That’s the saving grace of her resume indeed. Problem is there were 3 showrunners and one of them was named Amy Poehler.  Past that... she’s got... the bachelor?  Pretty short resume for this kind of budget.

same. I think it’s the showrunners inexperience showing.  It’s almost like I can tell what she intended to do in her mind then it just doesn’t translate in the show.

At this point, I don’t really like  it, but if they save it with some awesome ending I’ll be happy. Honestly, I’d have preferred this whole series goal was to set up the villain.

What’s the marvel A-list looking like these days? You can pretty much put out any Thor movie and you know it will sell. But from there... where do i go? Loki? Doctor Strange probably does okay. All three of those are absurdly likeable actors.


I’m referring to why I’m not going to label him pedophile, not why he isn’t on a platform.

He’s absolutely cooked. The heads should be rolling in the democratic party. Instead, they seem to be going the act like it didn’t happen route.

Has gizmodo just deided not to cover politics much after the debate?  It feels like there should be way more.

You haven’t offended me. I get it and appreciate your honesty. I nearly drank myself into an early grave due to my own anxieties of the world. Liver failure, seizure, all at the age of 31.

The grey is that we have no evidence of what was actually said along with no charges being filed.  

I’m starting to suspect I’m going to see fusion before I die. Which would be nice as I think that should hopefully bring a big boost to overall peace on the planet.

I was just thinking this is out of the Repub’s playbook. 

Honestly, they are a pretty fresh fit.

Nicely done.

Gotta wait on more info. At worst, he was making sexual advances against a 17 year old. At best, he was innapropriately trashing a 17 year old. One of those things makes me want to hurt him, the other makes me think he was being a giant idiot.

Twitch isn’t a mandatory reporter, which is their excuse for when they don’t and for when they miss things. But if they knowingly had messages of sexual crimes and withheld it, their entire business would be threatened.

Johnny Depp has done some wierd stuff we probably don’t know about lol. But everyone is just piling on. This thing has red flags everywhere. I like Doc so I hope that it’s mostly harmless, but if not, then I can’t like him anymore.

We really struggle to wait and see what actually happened.