on a galactic scale one could argue a planet is all but a creek in the big picture. probably some water on there.
on a galactic scale one could argue a planet is all but a creek in the big picture. probably some water on there.
If you’re not buying your kids the battlepass do you even really love them?
I didn’t know you guys hated Mr. Beast so much. The logical loops that you’re jumping through to hate a guy is very impressive.
Put down the pitchfork, this is a story with fuck all for substance.
Nobody’s under the illusion this package is mandatory, so pointing out that you don’t have to buy it is a straw man. The problem is that it exists at all, that CIG are even selling digital items at this price point in the first place.
Elden Ring had the same effect on me. I think TotK was always going to feel too close to BotW for me to enjoy as much as everyone else seemed to (I did enjoy my time with BotW for what its worth), but I think playing Elden Ring made it that much worse. Torrent should be in every game, I loved the mobility and fast…
Arguably, my parents never knew how to make me, that's why I'm the mess I am today
This is how most people would have taken it, I assume. That aside, I got similar usage out of it when my wife and sister were playing Grounded in the living room I could be out there while punching people in Yakuza 0. Family that plays together!
I came here to say this. This was presented during an R&D meeting, so I’m guessing they’re not going to put forward the effort to distinguish mods from cheats when it comes to detection or enforcement. Any modified game files will be flagged. Which seems pretty reasonable to me for an anti-cheat team.
Mitch? Mitch Gitelman?
Until you get to the inevitable incest scenes
Remind me again who comprises the bulk of industry & politics in the US.
Heidelbergensis does what Nintendon’t.
... so what?
What probably helped for me was being brutally honest in my profile. Cosplay photos, favorite animes, star trek, etc. all over. Found my soulmate who will stay up late gaming with me and then fall asleep to The Simpsons on bed. Added all the things I wouldn't want to give up because someone thought it was "weird".
So now we know ChatGPT was the one who caused the Eugenics Wars and the rise of Khan Noonien Singh.
You don't need to own a dick to count on it, all you need are a few friends willing to be your personal abacus.
Elon Musk Is Once Again Thinking[..]
On the contrary... nothing to get caught at... they misunderstood the science. The effects they saw ARE real and measurable, they are just not superconductivity. If you want a good easy to read article explaining the whole misunderstanding of the Korean team, read this: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02585-…