
Honestly... a forced break from Tiktok might be kinda nice for a minute. There’s no denying it isn’t great having a foreign adversary own your major internet platform. We definitely own a lot of theirs.

I don’t like Apple, but this is clearly a long term play.

I’m sure someone can correct me, but seems like there’s a lot of motivation for someone to forcefully maintain that price threshold. Sure you’ll lose some money... but what’s the price to have Donny boy in your pocket? That’s billions of dollars of value.

He’s too big for Loan sharks anymore, unfortunately.

Something feels wrong about wouldn’t you prefer if they gave themselves up like morons?  Also two additional years? I’m sure that’s not what they get, but 2 years seems unbalanced.  Now... take away their ability to participate in social media for two years, and I think we are on to something.

Plenty to agree with here. We can either have TARS from Interstellar or we can get Ultron. The government probably needs to create an agency or something to provide oversight. Capitalism can be great and all, but it gets dicey, ethically, with this kind of revolution.


with “Yo Mama” jokes. Don’t think... just send. I’ve lost my edge.

Also they are Apple and this is pocket change. Which means Bezos was a coward for not paying to see the Expanse to the end of the books.

There’s gotta be something bigger than a blue whale.  I want it and I need it.

The movie/documentary is going to rule.

anddddd... I’ll stop talking now.

Idk what a toady is, but he did also end up in russia because we probably would have sentenced him to death. I’m not extremely read up on his life since the leaks. I shouldn’t have said “Paid enough already”. I mean that I wouldn’t disregard that he hasn’t had much of a life since. It should be into consideration.

I’m not a lefty, but this Palestine stuff is bad any way you cut it. Joe needs to take some uppers or whatever and remind Bibi who is he.

Wood sounds niiice.  Now I assume there is a gallon of chemicals dropped into it or it would go bad, but the feel and smell and weight intrigue me.

I understand the Government is incentivized to stamp out any behavior that leaks intelligence, but motive should also be considered. Most republicans, unfortunately, write him off as their news sources basically just label him a traitor. If they could be provided the details of the situation more plainly, they would

I’d throw in excercise here as well. As a recovering alcoholic who thought I’d never be able to sleep again, excercise has been the best at managing my ability to sleep. Throw in excercise plus a sauna and you’ll be passed out by 9.

I normally disagree with you, but this is an accurate take.

Trump is a trash human, but last time I checked the Democrats candidate was Biden. Dem’s dont have the hats or the zeal, but they still accepted their party running a corpse for President.

yea. I would have loved to get a little more breakdown on how or why this actually happened (the 50% decline). Tho, I’m also wildly curious who the investors were. Some of the MAGA people certainly bought it, but that can’t be the bulk.