
I’d buy a murder house if it was significantly under market value. So if this thing comes into range of my middle class income, I gotta pull the trigger.

Just came here to say how much this show rules... 

Oh it’s exactly the same. New York gets the heat too tho? I’m in Indiana and I don’t see lot of New York hatred. Maybe stereotyping anyone who lives in the “big city”, but not New York in general.

I’m aware there is sarcasm here, but, sheesh... you guys got a lot of strange hate going on here.

Fort Wayne babayyy!  I moved back home and it’s growing rapidly.  Those cheap prices might not exist in 10 years, but you can live pretty comfortably on 100k.  You can survive on 50k pretty easilly as well.

lol we probably need to get past you having to worry about being a “Chud”. It’s a bit absurd how quickly people assume you hate women. It’s also silly how I feel the need to explain all the other female roles I love. If you haven’t watched arcane... go watch it. If they wrote Rey as well as they did Vi, we’d feel very

Well put. Nostalgia adds to it. I did not like the prequals a the time, but they grew on me. Rey just isn’t my favorite.

This is rad.

This dude could be in waayyy more movies.  Split will help him very well here.

Oh hell yes.

I get what you are saying and it could just be I don’t find the new trilogy very good, but Luke got his arm cut off and suffered a major defeat. Anakin had a entire movie where he’s a child, but in reality we already know he is basically the ultimate force user.

True, but that doesn’t mean she’s good with the jedi stuff. Survival skills make you very good at not dying, not a ninja. But that’s just the writing’s fault again.

This is good commenting. You’re second part makes a lot of sense as well.

Probably correct on the jobs, but even at 50k per person, that’s only 300 people.

Came here to see everyone’s thoughts. She just wasn’t a well written character. I, personally, did enjoy Kylo a bit more as he had some depth. I could also retcon the whole trilogy.

Just from my background, I’m guessing it just increases the costs of those data sets. Probably significantly. People will still be allowed to offer their data upon agreement, but it won’t come as cheap (or nearly free).

We’ve lost all sense of reasonableness when it comes to these “Marketing” programs. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve probably bought 5 or less items that have been marketed directly to me in this way (over 15 years). Is that worth the incessant tracking and ads that inundate everything? Probably not. If I felt the ads were

Liara T’soni would not approve.

Oh we’ll have to subsidize the hell out of it.  But probly worth it.

Is nuclear that divisive anymore? I feel like both sides are cool with it. If anything you seem to have a little more fear from the older generations, but they lived through the cold war.  If anything, it feels like lobbying from the big boys is the only thing preventing them.