
Not disagreeing but I’d want to know what the capitalistic benefits are. Just from a business perspective, this feels like it will end up being a net negative for their economy. They do have a big defense industry, but I just don’t see someone truly thinking, “If we destroy Palestine, we’ll rake in the money”.

More so when certain humanitarian workers were killed.  The World Central Kitchen just happened to be run by a verrry popular chef in Washington.  I believe the total humanitarians lost is like 200 at this point.  He’s on speaking terms with many of the DC scum.

Yea... I think Israel might end up really screwing themselves. Doesn’t help that the current government has applied, literally, zero pressure. I suspect they are very strategic to us militarily (someone smarter probably knows), but at this point, even if you disregard the loss of human life, this is an absolute

Did they get it wrong tho?  I’d have got one for the lolz alone.

They might have done it.  Lets hope as this would be an excellent long running series.

You sure it wasn’t your mom? Boom, roasted.

Supreme Court needs to get ahead of this one and designate what can legally be used as training information. Probably the only way to fix this one.

It’l take my brain a minute, but this makes a lot of sense.

My brain doesn’t value typos as much as it should sometimes. I got second place in my 8th grade spelling bee OKAY!...

I don’t think so, but then it’d have to be like 30M (#people who hate Elon) * softball insults.

When did we get talking about conservatives? Statistically, I’d be much more likely an Elon fanboy.

I would agree, if I was being a cunt. I will give you this... I didn’t need to use “Cry baby”.

Me or the guy that sent rockets to space? I do hope we get to meet one day. You’d try to hate me, but you wouldn’t.

The story and facts were good and could lead to constructive critisism of Musk. Then I read that line, and it completely demolishes the valid point he was originally making.


This one isn’t bad.  Fair enough.

I really mess up “your” a lot.  

Yes, you see no problem with this line? “The billionaire built himself a safe space where he spews invective about immigrants”?

These are going to be hilarious for the foreseeable future. That being said, it’s probably better to just relax. We haven’t exactly done this before.

I apologize if my typo prevented you from understanding the message.