
how sick would it be if the people in commercials actually backed the products? God that would be so healthy.

I’ve enjoyed playing in the crypto craze. It’s made me much much more knowledgeable with investing and simply how to trade on your own. Hell, I’ve profited nicely.

heh? I was asking what youre thoughts were on his discussion of the palestine situation.

I thought this was more for the brain than anything.  Overall feelings of pleasure after.

Haha, didn’t realize I said “we”. They are half my family tho. I’ve been hating donald trump since The Apprentice. I was probly 12 and I knew he was a twat.

Ahhh nevermind. We clearly have the same line of thinking.

I say I’m going to go to the theatre and never end up actually doing it.  Same.

Don’t worry, I think the movie looks like it could be very amazing. You’re points alone are enough for me to suspend any further disbelief. Plus, it’s probably not bad for Americans to get some imaginary picture of what that kind of thing will look like.

I’m around MAGA people all the time, don’t worry, we aren’t even remotely close to this. People yell outragious shit all the time, but there’s no intent to action behind it.  

My Step 1: Fix the media... all of it or reliable sources of information must be incentivized elsewhere. If we simply demanded more from our news, it’d fix itself. The news can’t be ESPN.

I agree, but I’m a bit more positive about it. I think you get this chaos because only America really allows for it (of the top powers). I have a feeling other countries generally like to say how terrible we are in comparison. Plenty of them have better individual systems I’m sure, but as a whole, I still believe in

Preach amigo.

Haha plus “Raptor” engines sound so rad.  I also liked that paragraph.

Well you’ll be the reason I read it.  I watched the first couple episodes and like it a lot. So seems that’s a guaranteed book recommendation.

I got close myself, but I find it very strange to commit to the depositions and then commit the act prior to finishing the legal case. That sends a red flag up for me. I’d say enough to figure out exactly who he talked to and what he did at least for the prior 2 or 3 days.

So how’s the show compare to the book?

True, but I didn’t think someone would go this far and definitely not some random guy. The story rules.

Wow I am dumb, I could not find this comment to save my life but wanted to respond.

no skin off my back.  Thanks tho.

doesn’t work for new comments, but again, not a troll.