
Not sure which part so I’ll assume you mean the news. It has worked in real life conversations. Got the Trump part of the family distrusting fox more than they used to and I got some of my mom’s side considering CNN might not always be the best.

Hahaha... kinda genius by the hackers. This is how easy it is to trick us men.

I love getting into these with you. You’ve clearly forgotten the time you labeled me an elon guy.  Alas, I continue to love how you order your response (not sarcasm).

You need this:

Lol stop trying to label me an Elon guy. I like new tech and space. I’m not the MAGA guy you’d love me to be. We used to respect challenging ideas.

Here’s a detailed article about what’s happened to you:

You trying to tell me you don’t click on every anti-Elon post on Gizmodo?  There’s 1-2 a day.

They messed this up so bad. All they needed to do was act a little normal. Just a smidge and the U.S. woulda said, “Screw it. these are our royals”. Kiss some babies, chug a beer at a ball game, and whatever a Chris Pratt would do and we would have made them kings.

Buddy, lets not try critizise someone for having an opinion different than you’re used to. That’s how we got in this mess to begin with. Plus, you’re basically coming to the conclusion that no one can change.

Activision ruined blizzard so I despise this man, but I guess if they are training AI on something I use, tiktok isn’t the worst option. I’m not sure what our other options are for training these things to understand humans.

So they definitely want users to push up the stock, but this isn’t the sleasiest or worst thing. The key fact is here (good job Max).

Lol I totally that Kate Britt was a Dem.  I had assumed her fear was from the odds that DJT might win again.  Now this makes zero sense and is even more funny.

True except for the job part.  Lots of jobs out there and empirically, the economy is strong, but that doesn’t mean anyone middle class and below feels it.

If youre a gamer and boot up sekiro, you know in your core the game is amazing, but then it kicks your ass so hard it can beat YOU. We should always have games like that. You beat it fair and square in my book amigo.

Just let me complement you guys dangit.

You like WW2 references. I would like to study why all of you lefties have gotten so damn obsessed with calling people Nazi’s. Save Nazi for a real “big bad” as it should be.

I mean, I can’t help it but he does funny shit. Comedians are eating this up. Unbecoming of a president for sure.

CNN was saying he was kind of in some wierd loop hole with the process of getting kicked out.

How we feeling about Palestine?

That reaction for MTG was damn good. I was definitely watching for the catastrophe, but he didn’t do too bad. Definitely had some good points, and I’d argue that speech writer did an amazing job. Might have been an all timer if given by someone else.