
IT guys really don’t get the love. This made me realise the top ~500 companies in the US have to have cyber attacks virtually non stop.

I feel like they probably hate us more than we  hate them.

Update, it was Copper. Coal would have made it a more hilarious story though.

whaaaaa? thanks for the rabbit hole.

I honestly still haven’t gotten over the last season of Game of Thrones. So my expectations are low.

Idk, but I found this paragraph hilarious:

It’s like, if one were attempting to solve a specific problem, they might like to know exactly what is happening to cause the problem.

It was a community funded one. Parkview Health in Indiana. The profits are claimed to go back into the community. AKA, we have giant sports centers and rehab all around town,  but they’re basically a monopoly here and I assume the price gouging is whats funding these facilities.  There’s a giant golf complex, which is

This article makes me hate google, but I’d have loved to know more about:

“on here” being the website and “sarcasm” being what I was doing.

I keep clicking on these articles hoping someone would actually explain this series. I even own 4 of the games, I’m just stuck by my stereotype that they will just be overcomplicated manga style chaos.

So are we pro Biden on here or are we going uncommitted too?

I work for one of the good guy NFP’s and donors run our show entirely. The board will almost always side with a principle donors.

Viagra has been doing this for years.

What is it about Vitalik that makes him so much more trustworthy?  I agree. He just one of those geniuses that I really like.

We should all take a moment and smile.  Games don’t often turn on our imaginations like this.  Humans can be cool.

Is this underrated? It’s like God of War then this isn’t it?  either way good game.

See I disagree, but just a tad.

well there’s my answer. That explains why they keep making the games.

Should have led with this paragraph: