
You’re right. These commenters have just disconnected from reality.  Too much internet will get ya.

Bahaha. You could not have done better, just now, at writing a meaningless paragraph.

That’s definitely not clear.  

Switch Mr. Beast with Rihanna. Your point blows.

You’ve disconnected from reality. People would beg to have a celebrity interrupt their work Wednesday.

You’re doing good work here. Can you imagine Beyonce showing up at work? Damn that’d be an all time Wednesday.

Ya know... this article is a good representation of what are the most annoying aspects of you extreme lefties. I’m not even a fan, but if Mr. Beast shows up to my office at work, my day got better and not worse.

The problem I see here is...Kevin Hart.  I assume  I’m just getting a Kevin Hart movie now.

I just thought to myself this morning, “I bet we have a shot at Starship Troopers 2".

Agreed. I think that will be at the heart of the discussion (probably sooner than later). I’ve been trying to find a AI “Defense” company to invest in, as I think that market is going to get real big.

Soooo can the Dem’s switch candidates at this point or would it take Joe Biden passing from old age to even have another option against Trump?

Yea, I’m very suspect of how they are going to piece the reasoning together. I’ll almost certainly watch.

This should be a good movie. I am really curious to find out the motivations of the civil war. That’s a difficult dance to do without pissing off half the country or to just make it believable.

Yea, I think we are about to run into a situation where we will be forced to figure it out soon though. We’ll have to at least draw a line for business to keep functioning properly. I imagine it will be one of the largest debates we have over the next few decades.

Saving Money=Productivity. Saying “productivity” obviously sounds better. Not disagreeing though, this will be a shit show.

Technically, the main reason for these layoffs seem to be due to Covid. Studios hired like crazy do to increased demand during the pandemic. You ended up having a ton over staffing or increased overhead due to the increase in sales. They didn’t plan well for what happened to demand after covid.

True, but it’s going to suck for the next few years.  Suck so hard.

I think he’s probably infering Data Analytics and Simulations, but yea not sure if that’s totally true.

fuck the health of political discourse”

I wonder how long before we end up having to come up with some Identifier or something. Fake internet is just going to get worse.