
Yep... had to reconfigure my brain after seeing these.

Did you watch “Dumb Money”? That movie does an excellent job at portraying the levels of fun I had during that period. Don’t get me wrong, stupidity abounds, but it was the most fun I’ve ever had losing money. I also now kind of know what I’m doing.

I’m only here to tell you guys I have my ETH at $1,500.

I thought this was more obvious. If OpenAI comes out with a good version of a google search, but lets the AI do complex thinking within that search. Game over google. People would switch in a heartbeat.

This is a cool ass idea, but I suspect if you gave humanity an extra 1,000 years... we might come up with some better ideas to do this.

Yea but it sounded cool.

When you guys are referring to “Them” are you primarilly referring to MAGA people in Congress or the MAGA citizens? or both?

There is some level of stuff in space. Just waaay waay less. The energy released is the same as on earth, but you definitely don’t have the same amount matter to push outward. Might have to watch some videos. At first glance, there is definitely an explosion, but its very different.

Agreed, I watched the Expanse too many times. This is more about hitting the target.

I’m realizing I have a deep seeded bias against Tech entrepreneurs.

We should be better at keeping proven terrorists of the site. Kind of like how felons can’t get guns (they probly can in some states). You cross that line, you lose the right.

Beat me to it.  I’ve always thought we need to really take a look at how we handle individual states as tax havens.  It’s a slippery slope, but it certainly feels a bit broken.

If apple is good at one thing, it’s UI. I give them credit for how crazy they are with the details there. I have my doubts if the quest 3 can compete with the gesture tracking and headmovement. Not having the eye tracking is probably a way bigger deal than I’m imagining.

This is good commenting.

I always feel like we severely underestimate the intelligence of people before written history.

I think 2-3 years and it’l be smoothed out nicely.  Need those Apps working first and foremost.

I think you’re probably right.

Speaking of... Kinda wierd they haven’t written a Jon Stewart article yet.

I will always preface with “I hate Apple”, but this sounds like people realized they might not need the luxury good they just spent $3,500 bucks on. It’s also convenient that you’ll get some internet clout by telling people you’re returning it.

I’d try it though.