
It would have been more impactful if he didn’t do the interview and cured cancer.

???? If there is one thing to complain about in this interview, it’s not that request. That question adds a lot of risk and no reward to Tucker. I guess you could say he will get praise if that journalist does get released.

Im not sure wha tyou mean on: “They want to preserve the power of white men (already a minority), but really only wealthy white men.”

They destroyed all the government stuff!?

The audacity to MEME! This article is littlerally meming “to own the right”.

Heh? did you guys watch the same thing? Tucker is a dweeb, but this was not a bad interview.

I mean we are at the point where Loki might need to lead the next Avengers movie.

Fascism is getting used a bit too much. Same with Nazi, but you are correct. As someone who grew up in rural Indiana, MAGA feels much less scary than Christian Fundamentalist. MAGA people are typically more bandwagon as far as I can tell. Christian Fundamentalists will actively try to do very stupid/malevolent stuff

It is a desperately needed term though. Maybe there’s one that would sound less antagonistic. Either way, it’s definitely the cause of like least half of the absurdity in this world.

lol it’s just a wierd thing to take a stand on.

True. She was pretty “good” though I still haven’t watch the final 3 episodes or so.  I know they are also time travelling and stuff, but I’m definitely want a more traditional hero somewhere.  I don’t need Jon Snow, but I would like me a Tyrion in that show.

Agreed. You probably get the compact ones for use in the military use at best.  Too much control required.

NIMBY!? we have a word for this?  I learned something this day.  My future mother in law is a big one of those.

Bahaha 1 song? not a single one?

We probably should, but I doubt it makes a ton of “business” sense to companies/investors.

I argued with my Coworker. He said that Fusion may not be possible or super far away. The satisfaction from reminding him is all I need to make it through the day.

Give us the Fall of Valyria.

Wait... is this why I don’t like it as much?

I would absolutely love a vastly improved search engine. I just don’t think it’s happened yet.

Oh and if anyone knows any companies doing AI defense work, I’d love to bet my mortgage on them.