
This is gonna be a rough growing period.

Well now I have a new dream goal.

They have to be looking into it.  I’d imagine more than the gauges, they’d be able to map lines onto the track to guide the most efficient turn or whatever.  I don’t know if I love that entirely as you might as well make the driver a robot itself

I’m on the same page as you. Latency will kill drivers. We will probably be entirely driverless soon enough.

Dont forget about the amount of less obvious discoveries that come from NASA R&D tho. We’ve probly missed out on some good stuff. They did duct tape right? But tons of new inventions come out of there.

This is good commenting.

Checks watch... Probably 50 years ahead. We’ll unfortunately miss out on all kinds of things in our lifetimes that would have been awesome to see. I’m sure there was plenty of tech bottlenecks that were required to surpass elsewhere. So maybe we aren’t 50 years behind, but behind none the less.

Been saying that for years.

You saying women aren’t that stupid? I’m offended.

WTH don’t make me wait till the end to realize this thing is easilly climbable. I was about to give this guy all kinds of credit for blowing my mind.

It’s funny because in my head there’s no difference between a 30 foot long aquatic killing machine and a labrador.

What’s funnier would be if you could explain to me why all the russians have oversized tshirts that have food stains on them.  That’s a strong stereotype that I, personally, hold.

It feels like we are headed that way. Apples version will at minimum be much less bulky in 5 yeaars. I’m sure that battery pack sucks as well.

Correct.  We are getting into the specifics here, but we already have Augmented reality goggles.  Not saying this version should be used by pilots, but some version could be very beneficial in the future.  Hell it could be used with drivers too.  

Im glad we get the whole daredevil gang back.  Those two added a ton to the show.

I feel like that’s like the suit before the final suit.  No chance that’s his official thing.  Maybe CGI.

If you are a troll... I like how you play the game.

Agreed. There’s an easy grift there, but the left has far more grift. Simply because they own far more of the entertainment. There’s an endless supply.

No that’s an American thing.

I don’t disagree with you but.... male and female comes to mind.