
He does make some pretty reasonable points. These are the risks, but I wish he’d give up on crypto so I can see them gains.  Crypto does look like a child’s toy compared to the AI.

You wanna go back and live in 1900? We were dying of Staph infections till about 1920 or so.

This continues to be good commenting. I was listening to Lex Friedman with one of the AI guys, and they were giving his algorithm quite a bit of credit. But I assume that really means the algorithm is primarilly one of the best at screen time and not the well being of the user.

This is a damn good reply. This just strengthens my feelings of him. He’s not “stupid”, but he just doesn’t give off any genius vibes.

Unrelated, but any of you getting a little sick to your stomach how good the quality of fake info is on Tiktok?  It may be what’s feeding to my account, but the level authenticity is starting to freak me out.  AI won’t help, but I just watched one about Oppenheimer dropping a nuclear bomb for the movie.  Clearly fake

Is he that bad? Actually asking. I mean there have been plenty of problematic facebook policies sure, but is he a little more evil than I’m aware of?

Good article. Though is this really a huge surprise? 100 Million users primarilly do the the ease through Instagram. But even I had  feeling there would be a dropoff with any new app people use.  Either way, theyre starting out strong.

The small thing was clever. I’ll give you that.

Oh I should clarify. My text doesn’t convey my emotion well. I’m not angry. I just want real journalism back. Or maybe, for it to exist in the ways we hope for it to be. If this was some wack job alt right site. I’d be doing the same comments.

Buddy, it’s an internet site providing news. Or attempting to provide news to some degree. I would imagine most of the writer’s here have even obtained degrees in journalism.

I do hate read this site. It’s a good counter to get what the left thinks. Now you’d probably assume that means I’m on the right. No they are dumb too.

The thing that scares me most, is that guys like him, Elon, and whomever, are just going to run circles around congress here. The disconnect of intelligence and knowledge in these fields is just too great when we need congress to make smart decisions.

bahaha. I thought the same. Unless it’s on purpose I suppose.

I’m in your comment because of a recent article they are doing, but I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s like they wrote the title, then the article. Or at least be able to provide an explanation of why that might be happening. Just vast amounts of information left off the table here.

Why do people use Fascists so much? plus everybody keeps misusing it everywhere. We need to save our “fascists” for when it counts.

See! exactly how the internet is supposed to work. No government needed.

I don’t really agree, but man that was savage. I also laughed.


First off. I love any and all of these.

They just have the habit of trying to hard sometimes or going to hard into the fantasy. They just need to focus on simple ideas like Nandor getting a cursed email. Simple yet better.