
I really enjoyed it! The three stars had good chemistry, the plot was not overly convoluted and there was good humor to it. Of the recent MCU films, let’s say the last two years or so, I’d rank it higher than Quantumania, Love and Thunder, Wakanda Forever, The Eternals and Black Widow and on par with some of the

I’ve *never* had to clean my washer usin any other means than running the cycles it came with.

About twice a month, I’ll throw in a load of white towels on the sanitize cycle, which runs much hotter and longer than the usual cycles. Also, I use washing soda instead of baking soda; it’s more alkaline and does a better

Well, we can sleep easy knowing that the state of Texas has sound environmental safety regulations in place so this will not happen again for at least 2 weeks.  And the offending company will absolutely learn their lesson by being given a multi-billion dollar handout.

Texans vote in favor of giving more money to fossil fuel and making it harder to actually fix the grid (because it’s cannot be used for anything renewable to include energy storage).

Except they didn’t. They voted to provide billions of dollars to oil and gas companies in the hope this will actually increase production to prevent the grid from failing. Like other handouts there is no guarantee this will actually happen as most likely large amounts of these loans will just be pocketed by O&G

Oh good...

Yeah, oops!  It was $3.079 waaaaay back then.  Now it’s $2.939. 

According to Gas Buddy, lowest gas price is $2.89, with 8th, 9th and 10th highest being $2.979. $2079 was either a typo or a lie.

For months now, center-left pundits on Twitter have been loudly and aggressively trying to divine why economic sentiment is diverging from the “good” macroeconomic reports that seem to emerge every week. And plenty of people have pointed out the material aspects—things, especially essentials, ARE more expensive, and

NO. not for calls, messages, etc. unwanted interruptions.

Keep in mind that recommendations for a minimum of 3 days of water storage anticipate water for drinking and SANITATION. “Expired” water will do just fine for bathing and washing clothing not to mention other ‘sanitary’ needs. 

These are great ideas and yes I did roll my eyes at content creator (I’m working on it!) - what I struggle with is throughput. My oldest starts a comic book but doesn’t finish it, creates characters, but doesn’t take it to the next level. The idea of a lemonade stand is it’s a fast buck which is why I think kids find

new mexico is not a red state. give us your dollars.

Today’s vocabulary word is “reactionary.”

They told the Coast Guard right away, which made it possible for folks to find the wreckage and confirm. Announcing “we have received information from a secret source indicating that we are probably looking for a gravesite” is not exactly good crisis comms, especially when there’s a slight chance they were wrong about

The accessibility access is a legitimate issue and they should definitely fix that in the main app. But other than that I’m kind of on Reddit’s side here, as much as I am loath to side with the big corporation. These third-party apps make money off of Reddit and previously have been getting all that for free. Why

The law in Florida states that there has to be a “reasonable fear that one is being threatened or in imminent danger” but it seems like in practice a lot of times that gets read as “a person feels they’re being threatened” which is much more dangerous because people can FEEL things all the time but doesn’t mean there

This “long-running feud” appears to consist of this woman repeatedly assaulting Owens’ children with no consequence.  Of course she thought she could murder Owens and get away with it.

Got to love when “alleged” journalist write an article on subjects they are clearly heavily biased against.

Just re-watched The Usual Suspects last week. Absodamnlutely.