
Ashwagandha has been a game changer. I take it in the evenings and helps me sleep and also gives me more vivid dreams (I had tried melatonin and other supplements, and left me feeling groggy in the morning - especially if I took them too late at night).
As an added benefit for the guys - reduced cortisol in turn

That makes much more sense LOL.  We’re about the same then in DFW, just saw 2.89 up the road but again that’s at the dueling corner between Murphy and Walmart so it’s always lower than anywhere else nearby. 

Yea, had to have been 2.979. I just filled up today for 2.99, and that is the cheapest for miles (Walmart and Murphy are on opposite corners and they always aim to be the cheapest). 

In 2023, the average US salary is $59,428 or $28.34 per hour, or $.47 a minute. So it takes about 8 minutes of work to buy a gallon of gas that will take you 26 miles. That’s about 18 seconds of work per mile. While it’s true the average worker has to work two extra seconds per mile, if that matters to you, you can

$2.079 in San Antonio? How the hell are you almost a full dollar cheaper than DFW? It was $3.05 last I checked up the road - and that’s at the cheap place (Walmart)

Mine was on silent and stayed silent though it did pop up the alert. 

It’s bad enough people can’t tell the truth from fiction when spouted from real people... deepfakes are going to be nothing but trouble. 

The key thing to keep in mind is that you’ll be taxed on the home’s assessed value, not its purchase price. Just because you bought it for $10,000 doesn’t mean your property taxes will be based on that value—they will certainly be much higher.

You don’t withdraw from your retirement accounts to pay off debts, you take out a 401k loan and pay yourself back.
It’s definitely important to make sure you’ve fixed the bad habits that put you in that situation but I highly encourage people with high APR% debt that have healthy 401k balances to look into a 401k

Texan here - don’t encourage the backwards ass laws we have by vacationing here.

I’d move if it was affordable to do so, but it’s not in the cards right now.

more single use/disposable plastic.

In new construction... Is there any way to get around it if you absolutely wanted one in your home or is this more for standards in mass construction?
Either way, they’re not pulling gas stoves out of existing houses are they?

I kept saying this was complete and utter bullshit anytime someone would bring up that “Biden is trying to ban gas stoves.”

Everyone has lost the ability to have a single complex thought at this point and has to take 10 word or less headlines as God’s honest truth and it’s fucking exhausting. That goes for anyone from

How old are you? I grew up with gas stoves in the early 90s and they had pilot lights. I imagine there are a fair number of them still out there, regardless of whether you can buy them or not.

You might be freaking out about politics, but there’s nothing to be gained by scaring the children

but i hoped the USCG was like they did hear an explosion so hope and pray for their survival but it’s possible they did die 2 hrs after submerging. That way the news can string everyone else along. Now to think of all the money wasted as well as resources to try and find someone that they most likely knew was already

The accessibility access is a legitimate issue and they should definitely fix that in the main app. But other than that I’m kind of on Reddit’s side here, as much as I am loath to side with the big corporation. These third-party apps make money off of Reddit and previously have been getting all that for free. Why

I don’t know one way or the other about hurting one’s case but I think that term is banal and overused. It’s like fetch - quit trying to make it happen, we already have multiple words for it, many with less syllables: kill, murder, suicide.
I don’t know why it’s gained so much traction but it’s bound to die out sooner

many Texans now say the decline in quality is so noticeable, eating there isn’t an option anymore & is a very easy pass!

I think it’s more “You don’t know what you don’t know”.
You can research and plan, but if you don’t know to research a critical safety piece and think you’re prepared then you’re risking injury or death.
Nothing wrong with knowing your limits and having someone who specializes in something do it right the first time.