
I do love Big Trouble in Little China.

I wish Disney cared to pay me to plug Home Alone. Instead, I pay them $7 a month to have access to it at all hours of the day, in case a Home Alone emergency arises.

You missed:

I really wish This Is Us had decided to go the Grey’s Anatomy route of just definitively stating that we’re living in some post-COVID fantasy. Scenes like Nicky, Miguel, and Rebecca showing up to Sally’s house uninvited or Nicky being an asshole on a plane with no one wearing masks don’t land as cute in a world with

I thought that Nicky might have married Jennifer Morrison’s character, but there’s still a chance that her and Kevin get married since we see him with a wedding ring at Rebecca’s death bed and it’s not likely he marries Madison.

I missed out on the clandestiness of Deja’s trip too, for some reason. Next week’s teaser did indicate that Randall will find out in possibly the worst way. I hope this will not end up in yet another botched pregnancy scare plotline.

You’re misremembering. Dexter never planned on killing Doakes. He was going to frame him as the Bay Harbor Butcher. Doakes was just killed by Lila before Dexter had that opportunity. I liked this finale as a whole, but I did find it slightly odd and out of character that Dexter would be desperate enough to kill Logan

Matt’s body went into the incinerator, that’s where Kurt found the screws from his leg.

Nice list, and Licorice Pizza was great! For me I’d add The Princess Bride, because the best part of it are all the hilarious dialogues with their endlessly quotable lines. Which makes Wallace Shawn the hangout champion for me I guess hahaha. Inconceivable!

I think it’s all going to end with Dexter and Harrison hitting the road, eluding the law once again.  Will there be another season?  I’ve enjoyed this one, but I think it’s time to end Dexter’s tale.

OK episode, I agree with theB” rating, mostly because of the scenes with MCH and Jack Alcott. 

I don’t know what all you jokers are talking about. Resurrections was fun as hell and the Wachowskis have always been masters of batshit cinema.

Snarg still is there and live. I would have added a screen cap but Gizmodo et call won’t let me post images anymore.  Doesn’t look like is accessible.

The actor who plays Kermit has a sort of alarmingly frank blog, if you’re interested:

Which route he takes depends on who he decides to emulate, and based on “Too Many Tuna Sandwiches,” that person doesn’t appear to be Dexter these days.

She’s not mocking it, she’s criticizing a truly stupid idea. So you mail one test, one, to every American. 50% get thrown away and families that need more than one because a household needs to get tested have to go out and find more anyway? When someone has a close contact, it’s entire groups that need to get tested

Oof, I’d say your imagination is working overtime on this one.

We need C.S. Lee to make an appearance!

Huh, I thought this was the best ep of the season so far because it finally felt like an episode of Dexter. The messy plot threads, some tied up, some leading onto future episodes. Things happened, and like them or not, at least it wasn’t boring. The majority of Dexter was like this, so to expect something different

I am so grateful that the AV Club and Myles in particular continued to cover Shameless all the way until the end. He was able to put into words issues I had with the episodes or give a different perspective that I hadn’t noticed. I actually stopped watching Shameless after S5 and this reviews caught me up on things