
Did you bitch when they bailed out mortgage and auto companies?

Did you bitch when they bailed out mortgage companies?

You realize that some of these people have been paying towards these loans for 10+ years and still owe the bulk of the principle, in some cases MORE than the principle due to interest rates? Additionally many have made payments in excess of the principle but again, due to interest they still have thousands left.

Yea I suppose it has its time and place(they keep selling it so someone’s buying) but if I’m entertaining it’s homemade all the way.

Maybe it’s because I live in Texas, but who buys premade guacamole anyway? It’s got to cost just as much if not cheaper to buy avocados, cilantro, tomatoes, jalepeno, garlic, lime and taste a hell of a lot better to DIY.

Knees weak, arms heavy?

Try to find that one on physical media - you’ll pay a pretty penny

Seriously, I swear Danger Mouse has the midas touch, anything he works on is anywhere from solid to fucking stellar. I’m downloading this now.

Yea, I’ve never stopped. DVDs/Blu-rays at garage/estate sales are so cheap and if I find older ones I like that are likely not on streaming then I’m buying it.

Abs for everyone!

Bet, fam. 

I know they’re there but I don’t have a reason to visit them because there’s nothing that concerns me inside

Everyone should forward this to their parents/grandparents (and/or children too).
Don’t fall for clickbait!

A new one I’ve seen is FB messages from family “Guess who just died...” with a link. First off, anyone insensitive enough to break news of a loved ones death over FB messenger deserves a slap, second, think

El-oh-el, damn near spit my covfefe out on my monitor. 

“Hardest video games ever*”

*Modern games...

100% sure that was sarcasm inserted by the author. 

OK Troll.
Not everything has to be hyper-partisan, if you support something that is not something central to “your party” and it’s “issues”, it’s in your - and the country’s - best interest to tell your representative.
Redefine what “issues” your party’s hallmarks are, you could’ve helped move Republicans away from

Go drink bleach.
If you were a pro-choice Republican, tell me how many times you wrote your representatives to make Roe permanent (which the only way to do that would be an amendment, because laws can get taken off the books as soon as the assholes you voted for got into office). 

That was the first thing that came to mind...
I guess that was almost 30 years ago, I don’t know much about the author but it’s entirely possible he was born after that came out, which makes me feel way older than I am.

Actually, there’s no law that says you can’t dig a really deep hole at the beach. (Yet. I assume it’s on the next Supreme Court docket) But officials are advising hole-diggers that adorable baby turtles could get trapped in the pits they dig