
Not wings breaking off but this movie freaked me the F out since it’s based on a real event...

Re: Lurkers and dawdlers - if a lurker honks to get me to leave the spot faster, bet your ass I will take my time, hell I might just be up for a nap.
Patience is key folks, you don’t need my rockstar parking that I lucked into, park further away and think about your actions as your walk a little further into the

No doubt, they were in the running but I forgot why we dropped them from consideration. We’re planning on sticking through the elections and if by some miracle Texans show up to vote Blue to reverse the archaic abortion bans then we’ll stick around, otherwise we’re going forward with getting out of the state.  Our

Oregon was on the list, unfortunately their school rating is abysmal (#37)...

Wife and I are actively looking into moving out of Texas to a more progressive state. Canada is nice and all but I’m not giving up on the country yet.
So far the choices are slim... Colorado, New Mexico, Maryland, Delaware, and if Youngkin wasn’t Governor, Virginia would be top choice right now - though it’s not being

I think the important piece here is that the items are not loose and as flat as possible, nothing bulky like a pen, or key on a key-ring.

I’ve mailed coins (at buyers request and only when total weight was less than 1oz), by taping them to an index card, and putting another index card on top of them.

I don’t know why but this one made me audibly chuckle. Take your star

I’ve thought about this.
There’s a finite number of phone numbers isn’t there?
If I change my number, which receives it’s fair number of spam calls, what are the odds the the new number isn’t already on a bunch of robo-call lists?

I don’t know what kind of think-piece people were expecting when this hit theaters, but leave that shit at the door. It’s a dinosaur movie, with the OG cast, and end of the franchise. Buy your popcorn (or smuggle in your snack of choice), sit back and enjoy.

Anyone overly critical of the movie is thinking WAY TO HARD

You’re thinking way too hard about it.
It just takes DNA, not exclusively from amber-preserved mosquitos, pretend there was some way they found ocean-dwelling dinosaur DNA and they ran with it.

Now playing

I stumbled upon this feature the other day while trying to figure out what song “Thurston Harris - Little Bitty Pretty One” was...
All I knew was the humming part, which worked perfectly. 

I go in for MTG cards - with the membership I get my one set booster pack per month, it costs me $1.07 afer my monthly $5 off coupon. I joined the membership on some deal so I’ll come out ahead at the end of the year on cards.

If/When I get back to console gaming I’ll shop my prices around, taking my membership perks

So many haters here. Don’t watch it if you don’t like the new ones.
I loved JP1, it was epic to watch as a kid in theaters, the sequels to it were definitely lackluster but entertaining.  I’m a fan of the Jurassic World flicks though, you’ll never get that thrill back you got from the first one but that’s OK. They’re

Thanks for the recs, I’d definitely be diving in with an open mind.  I imagine if she’s got that much support from various ages and across the music spectrum her music must have a pretty wide range as well.  

I’d only heard the Chromatics remake via Drive, but given all the fanfare for Kate Bush from ST4 I’m going to have to look into her catalogue now. 

And what’s the DEAL with airplane food?

I had all but forgotten about Narc until this list reminded me.  Underrated flick for sure. 

MVP, take your star

You realize there are numerous trade magazines and that not all magazines are vapid, right? 

Unless you’re trying to get them to do free work in digging a hole in your basement. There’s a joke flying around with that premise but the whole thing escapes me.