
No one seems to be asking the question of why the federal govt has forced schools to be defenseless by law. I think Biden played no small part in the “gun free zone” legislation.

Had no idea that this show would stick with me so much and be such a key part of our week over the years. My wife started it up sometime in the second season IIRC, and I gave it a shot. My first thought it was corny and dramatic, but it was so much more than that.
After becoming a father last year, there’s so much

I’m 6ft, I will always offer assistance to anyone (man or woman) having trouble getting things into/out of the overhead bins. It keeps things moving efficiently for the whole plane.
This assistance extends to everyday life as well, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve either been flagged down or offered

I get it, you’re not an assitant/sherpa/etc. but it seems like common courtesy is completely out the window on planes. Businessmen take it as an opportunity to be complete douchebags and ignore everything that doesn’t impact them.
God forbid you help the woman wrangling kids or having trouble moving shit around in the

You could say that about many vacation destinations though, or hell, any rural community within the US for that matter.

Would the trans jokes be ok if he were trans? That’s how it works right?

Hot take - don’t like someone’s jokes - don’t listen to them.

The medical staff on a cruise ship are almost never licensed to U.S. standards.”


Ties are an affectation, but so are:

YES to The Talisman! Hopefully they don’t fuck it up though

It is what it is” = “We can’t change what happened and have to live with it”/ “We have to live with this until XYZ comes along”

IIWII is fine with me, but use it sparingly. 

I was just thinking of this. I can’t remember the last time I bought a pillow and noticed my pillows this morning were way more yellow than I’d like to admit.
New (King size) pillows at Kohls are $10.  Way worth the cost than my time to try and clean these. 

Argue away, I’m not Christian and don’t believe in it, though I do understand the symbolism and many of the teachings of the bible - fiction or not. 

No, because
A. It’s a work of Fiction.
B. You can be a devout Christian without taking the bible at face value (IE. Everything ACTUALLY happened as it’s written in the bible).

So what exactly would he say that they don’t want him to say, that he should have said in this video?

Ex. “We should be trying to use more eco-friendly materials to store perishable goods!”

You don’t think Coca-Cola, or others haven’t explored that?
Glass is pretty recyclable, but it’s also heavy and breakable -

Seriously, text-only “how-tos” are trash.

Cool story bro, go re-watch Breaking Bad for the 100th time you edgy tart.

Mid-30's male who hates wine. 

Beat me to it

Who proofreads this shit?
“Martinn Short” -> “Martin Short”
Anna Taylor-Joy” -> “Anya Taylor-Joy”

These are proper names for Christ-sake, not that difficult to get right and they stick out like a sore thumb.

From my own experience and 2nd hand view of friends/acquaintances - “We” share way too much about our relationships with “friends”, especially if you’re under 30.

In high school, I shared too much, ended up sharing with people that knew someone who was interested with my GF at the time. We ultimately broke up and