
Find a Toastmasters group in your area and join. They have an “Ah’ Counter” every meeting whose job it is to tally “ah/um..” etc. for each speaker.
It’s pretty eye opening when you get your tally, and certainly made me more aware of when I used these filler words in everyday conversation and meetings. 

Red is my favorite flavor kool-aid

If/when Quantum computing cracks SHA 256 - bitcoin being impacted is going to be the least of our worries. Nevertheless, I hope that doesn’t happen until after the next halving.

2 is very likely to happen sooner than later (the wash-trading anyway).  I doubt environmental regulations have a significant impact on

You’re likely paying for that discount in the form of higher prices at Kroger though.  

Costco has the same deals - I used to do this every other year (because they won’t let you use the deal if you were a member within the past year).
I’d get the groupon, get a Costco Giftcard from the groupon plus a bunch of “freebies” (and these freebies are things I used like AA Bateries, Paper Towels, etc.).
I also

Zero mention of the 4-year cycle in crypto?
While there have been some folks that think we’re in the “Supercycle” I think the bear market is setting in, and we’ll see some spikes here and there but ultimately trending sideways/lower as we get closer to the next BTC Halving in 2024. No doubt the low in this cycle won’t

Being There (1979)

The minute you try to monetize it outside of the blockchain, you’re gonna get sued, and you’re gonna lose.

As an MTG player and someone who’s dipped his toes into NFTs, this was very interesting to read about.
The future of NFTs where they intersect with copyrights is interesting. mtgDAO was pretty open about it, but what keeps anyone from “minting” an NFT of a copyrighted work and how does the copyright owner go after

The writers sure know how to tug at those heartstrings to break out the waterworks. “Don’t let me keep you” is similar to what my late grandmother used to say when she’d call, “It’s just grandma...” she would say when she called or left a voicemail. What I would give for another one of those calls...

but I never quite worked out the right size of grind to be strong enough when brewed without leaving a sludge at the bottom of my cup.

Been called to Jury duty twice, first time never even made it to voir dire.
Second time was Federal jury duty, sat on voir dire (during covid mind you), and it was a drug case(meth). They asked about those who supported legalizing any drugs, and what that drug would be (most if not all said pot). Then they asked if

TIL that grits are made from corn...
I don’t eat them that often, but I had no clue and really never gave it much thought. 

Ohh, Usual Suspects and Princess Bride.. those are damn good.

Man, how much did you get from Disney+ to plug Home Alone?

Back to the Future is great and all, but “basically perfect?” 

Big Trouble in Little China trumps both of those flicks, fight me.

Add me to the list of people who missed the “secret” of her going to visit Malik...

  • I have to admit, for all the shit I’ve talked about Batista, I actually wanted more Batista here. It was less than ideal to tease that interrogation and not deliver it.

Yea, I’m an idiot. I knew that lol. 

True.  Makes me wonder if Dexter will go back and check after doing the same with Kurt’s body lol. 

Yea, I’d love for them to end it on a high note with a solid one-off season like this. Money talks though, studio execs may green-light a spin off or continuation given the good reception.