
Regarding letting the system take care of of Kurt after finding the “Caldwell Evidence Museum,” to me it was obvious Dexter wanted to take care of Kurt himself in part because he didn’t want Caldwell to spill the beans on “Jimbo” killing Matt (though that didn’t work out that well either!).

I’m at work so I can’t check right now but are these two still up?:

Both were internet-art type sites. I could spend hours on snarg back in the day exploring every nook and cranny of it. The music/sound effects were wack.
For there used to be a way to gain entry to the inner site, but you had

Finally watched the last season over the past few weeks and wrapped it up last night.

Am I to believe someone is dragging those bodies in that cavern? Or is there a better location to toss them from and the cops took the scenic route?

They’re criticizing the how, but ultimately the goal is the same.
Could there be some better tactic as to how someone that’s uninsured goes and gets a test? Absolutely. Mailing them out to every household does not solve that problem though. Guarantee some will get lost in the mail, someone will make off with free

Yea, text only “How-To’s” on something like this is crazy. Video preferable, pictures at the bare minimum. 

Yea, this article would’ve been great LAST Christmas, or ya know in 2009. 

Out of the 19 shows in the list, it’s the only one that evoked a genuine feeling of sadness in me when it finished.

Companies like Esko Bionics and ReWalk already have great products to market. Ford has been using the EksoVest in production to reduce fatigue and injuries on the job for years already.

Y’all are nuts. I’d love to hear what movies some of you tarts think DO hold up with some of the ones on this list.

Sure, but you don’t have to live in Boulder, even if you work in Boulder.
You also don’t have to live in a house to live in Boulder.
I don’t care what the area is - if you’re living in, and can afford, a 1.5M house and that’s the median in the area, you’re not in any way shape or form “Middle Class”.

I’d say that’s definitely UPPER middle class by any metric. It is a significant jump though % wise.
It’s also the second largest $ jump from the prior tax bracket, going from 89,075 almost doubling to 170,050 - the highest being the 200k+ jump from 35% to 37%.

Paperwork doesn’t make for good TV though... 

I like how “Food Shamers” made the list, yet y’all are straight up doing Thanksgiving wrong if you think I’m giving up the bird on the table.
Y’all need to give fair warning to whoever you invite over for Thanksgiving this year if you cancelled turkey in your house.

I agree with axing cranberry sauce, the turkey organs(

In the meantime, he recommends waiting a few minutes to eat (or drink) after your in-flight delicacies have been served. That way, you can keep your mask on while those around you take it off to eat, and remove yours after they’ve put theirs back on and their filthy mouths are safely covered once again.

I would say if the employer offers a match of any amount, people should take advantage of that ASAP - regardless of emergency savings/debt (within reason) or you’re giving up free money.
Even if you can’t contribute up to the Max match, you should be taking advantage of the max as soon as possible. Even 1% gets the

We definitely don’t overuse our garbage disposal. It’s not meant to be THE tool to dispose of food waste, mainly a catch for things that may happen to drop in (the occasional noodle, bits of whatever, etc).
The only big thing we intentionally put down there of any substance is egg shells and thin lemon wedges to

I save the potato water for use in gravy.
4 Tbsp butter + 4 Tbsp flour for the roux over medium heat (careful not to burn it), add hot potato water until desired consistency (mix in a little at a time).
~1 Tbsp Kitchen Bouquet (Browning & Seasoning sauce) + salt and pepper to taste.

I surely am now. Besides snarky responses are good for Claire’s article stats I bet :)
Encourages community interaction, and as long as I’m not being a complete jackass I’m sure she’s not too mad at me (I hope?).

Calm it down buddy. Much like these egg articles, my comment is lacking substance and is in good fun.
Got you all riled up though didn’t it?