
No one: ....
Literally no one:....
Claire: The rumors (I started) are true, you really can fry an egg in mayonnaise.

LH on an egg kick lately too. Between this and the “serve your sunny side up egg upside down” article, y’all are really reaching for content these days.

Just waiting for a top 10 ground breaking ways to

Quick fingers can also make it possible.
I forget which news site, but it usually loads the article and allows you to read the first few lines before popping up the “Paywall” floating menu which prevents you from reading more.
If you’re quick enough, go to the page, as soon as you see text, Ctrl+A (Select All), then

Should get it’s own article - if someone is on that beat that is. 

I get that Eugene has evolved from “weakling” to “almost alpha male”, but I think punching the kid was out of character even with his growth. Eugene just doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would “defend a woman’s(hell even any friend’s) honor” to justify a punch at someone who is clearly not at his level.


At this point I’m 100% convinced you are in the pocket of “Big Mayo.”

Ship ‘em, “Naggie” or even “Neggie” has a fitting ring to it.

Not that you need it, but you have this guys support 100% on that method. Call them out.  Far more people in the professional world would rather have someone who’s more direct than someone who is timid. Even if people get rubbed the wrong way by someone being direct, at the end of the day it gets shit done. 

I knife cut, but my nooks and crannies are still intact... but I can get on board with the fork technique, saves me from washing another piece of cutlery.

Also - I half expected Mayonnaise to be some secret to this method and was happy to see that it wasn’t mentioned once in here. 

I was going to make my own comment, but it falls in line with deposit worries.

Corporate sales is one of those non-sleazy avenues.
Many software companies have salespersons who can break 6 figures easily.  

Fuck wallets!
Use this other wallet instead

Most trading platforms allow fractional share purchases now.

I’d also encourage those starting out to take advantage of as many free share offers as possible. If you don’t like the company stock they give you, sell it and buy what you want.

M1 Finance has an great offer right now, if you sign up and deposit $100,

Princess’ near-photographic recall again makes for some entertaining exchanges.

Such an underrated flick, the ultimate underdog story IMO.
The last scene with the doctor chokes me up.

The soundtrack(score?) is pretty good too, good background music while working.

That was with Bob Villa right, who in reality never knew how to fix a damn thing IIRC?

the dream where you don’t know what your class schedule is, or what the next class is, or where the classroom is, etc.

You spelled “Rickdiculously” wrong. 

Why does this not have more stars?

Conservation of available water is only one part of the equation. You can charge any amount you want, but if there’s no water to deliver then it doesn’t matter much does it?