
I hit somebody in my Saturn. Their car had the rear axle busted, my car needed to get the alignment fixed - that’s it.
To this day I swear the only way to get a ticket for “Failure to Yield at a Yield Sign” is to hit someone... 

TIL the real words to that... because up until about 30 seconds ago I thought it was “, and even MTV”

Knowing California, they’ll figure out a way to fuck it up.
I hate to jump on the Cali-hate bandwagon, but they have to make some major changes or they’re going to be in bigger trouble than they already are in a few years.
Cali exodus due to high prices (homes and otherwise), will mean smaller tax base, which they’ll

I think you VASTLY overestimate how many adults are “reasonably competent.

Zoning laws are managed locally. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell any Federal law is passed that has such a direct zoning impact such as allowing “Four-plexes on all lots currently zoned for single-family houses.”

I still remember advice he gave me almost 30 years later...

Do not comment. Do not share. Do not send it to anyone

You’re a cardiologists best friend huh?

A well cooked(not to be read “well-done”) steak definitely has butter on it. Gordon Ramsey approves.

I’m guessing that didn’t make the cut because CGI.

I got so choked up at the end and my heart broke over and over again seeing him let his chances at happiness and connection slip away so many times.

Same about the snowglobes. I’ve been that flustered and clumsy with something special and it’s such a downer. He spent so much time on those things and hope they make it back to him somehow (wishful thinking).
This show is ridiculously on-point with moments like that. 

I’m the last man standing in my group of friends who still keep up with TWD. This was a slow burn episode, but I was glad to see the “twist.”
Got some backstory into Princess and her psyche. Looking forward to the series wrapping up, I still enjoy it but some weeks are tougher than others. 

HSAs contributions are also pre-tax so they also lower your taxable income though.

That’s a good move on your part for the FSA spending.
Back when I had regular expenses like that I knew I’d spend approximately $X on Contacts/Eye Exams, etc. and at least one Dr. Appointment, etc. I had Lasik done a few years ago (I

I’m going to take this as an opportunity to rail against FSA’s and the entire “Use it or lose it” BS surrounding them.
Make HSA’s available for all regardless of their insurance plan (Currently only available for those with High-deductible plans) and ditch FSAs entirely.
FSAs punish those who can’t accurately predict

Same, I’ve always done this since I started adulting...
The only time I don’t is when it’s summer and I try to avoid using the oven at all costs then. 

I only played the first Hitman but I wish I would’ve kept up with them after seeing this.
I vividly remember aiming to acquire all the guns in the first one. One gun in particular you could only acquire off of an enemy, and he had to be killed a certain way (IIRC, by NPC Crossfire).  It was glorious when I figured

I am 100% pro-choice, but I also don’t think it should be used as a regular form of birth control.
My point was Bankruptcy shouldn’t be used repeatedly and/or depended upon as a form of fixing your financial issues/mistakes (two separate things).
There are certainly valid reasons other than education that drive both

If they want to live with the stigma of bankruptcy and know what it actually means and takes to dig out of that and have normal credit again, sure. Don’t just use it as a “financial abortion” tool though.