
For those interested, here’s Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard. Over half the cases have recovered. It does have a high mortality rate compared to the flu but also has a really low number of cases compared to the flu (Flu hits about 40 million a year I believe), and a super-majority of those deaths occured in China. If

Oh come on, CA Traffic is fucked up already.
Second, I imagine any past(or current) president/VP will have security detail and will cause the same issue. If that’s the metric for voting for someone, those people don’t need to be voting anyway.

Texas says otherwise, he more than passed the threshold here. I guarantee most of those Bloomberg voters would support Biden over Bernie. Had that happened Biden would have won Texas similar to South Carolina (only Bernie has more supporters in liberal cities like Austin, etc.).

Idiots, the lot of them. Given they actually ever, you know, vote and not just post memes on facebook.

Young people typically make under the standard deduction though and should get their withholdings back in a refund.
You want the IRS to do people’s taxes for them? I wouldn’t trust them any farther than I can throw ‘em. 

I think you underestimate how many anti-Trump republicans are out there.  They vote, and will cross the aisle, but not for Bernie. 

Look, most young people don’t even know how to do their taxes

Have you been living under a rock? 

That’s very similar to what I said the other day to a Bernie supporter.
If a car is going in reverse, you don’t throw it into drive and slam on the gas or you fuck the car up. You stop, change gears, then go forward.
Biden has already stated he would only serve one term. Let the next generation Bernie(seriously,

You bet your ass they would have, I was one of them (Buttigieg). I’m sure Sanders would have gotten some of them, but the majority would have gone to Biden. I was strongly hoping for someone other than Biden/Bernie, but I’ll support Biden for sure. 

the lack of decorum from the “Bernie Bros” is fucking tragic.

2004 was a much different time. Bush was a relatively well-liked war-time president. Trump has nothing like that going for him. The stock market may be up, but it’s inflated as we saw from the recent coronavirus hit.
The middle class really didn’t get a big break in the TJCA (and upper-middle class got slammed with sur

I’ve already seen them come out.
However, if Warren is spoiling Bernie’s votes, Bloomberg is most definitely spoiling Biden’s. If you take Warren’s and Bloomberg’s respective votes and allot them accordingly, Biden would have swept all but California I believe.

Funny, they were a case study in business school when I was in College - 10+ years ago - when they were coming out with the VRod.
Their target market is dying. Existing bikes are wrenched making it that much less of a need for someone to buy new. There’s cheaper alternatives that people buy because they aren’t married

Judith should know better. Always Double-Tap!
You don’t just kill a human and not give the headshot to prevent them from turning. 

This is good information.
We did the East/West stamps when we were in Berlin about 8 years ago. Never had an issue and I’ve since gotten a new passport. Might carry my old passport with me if I go out of the country now just for these novelty stamps (though I’m sure that’s probably not recommended/allowed to have two

That right there is why I give it the hard-G.
Graphic has a hard G, so GIF also has a hard G, fuck what the creator says.

Smart move on their part with it being a “Two Season Limited Event”
Have an ending in mind and stick to it. 

No offense taken. Bookmarking that site now.

Oh no, they only profited 225M on the movie, they must be in dire straights.
Fuck, if I were them I’d surely pop out another even if it only nets 50M in profit.