
Student loan debt is a fraction of what the fuck we did for Wall Street. And our bailout sure as fuck helped keep those pinstriped suit jackasses sipping their G&Ts at the country club.

First off, TIL what the “Overton window” is, so thanks for that. I’m surprised I haven’t heard the term before now.

Yea, and that letter got me thinking about how many people I talk to regularly who are deeply religious (or even regularly attend services). It’s not something people do in my non-familial social circle.

I honestly thought you were the troll here. We’ll agree to disagree, in reality we probably are saying the same thing but coming from different angles. I think it’s the exception where it’s worth it, you may not.


I’d like to add a caveat to using a 401k loan to payoff debts.

You realize not everyone lives in CA right? IF the bonus is 25% AND you have items you NEED to purchase in the short-term, it may make sense to put some of your return into it. You ever tried selling a gift card? Good luck trying to get 95% of value for it. I’ll pay 80%, if that. The risk that some asshole is going to

You either stick to their payment schedule or pay the whole amount

Turnout matters, but it matters more in the swing and Red states. It does Democrats no good in the general election if Democrat participation is up 50% in California. Now if Democrat participation is up 50% in Texas, then the state turns blue and that is huge. Everyone keeps talking about the young vote (18-35),

No one in their right mind is going to buy your Amazon gift card dollar for dollar, so if you sell it you’ll sell it for a % of the value, losing that extra % you got up front. And if you’re going to do that, you should have just taken the cash up front anyway.

Would we be better off with anyone (including Bernie) in the White House as opposed to Trump, most certainly.

Except your 401k match will grow, your 4% Amazon bonus will not.
If you’re going to spend the amount of your refund on Amazon over the course of the year, maybe it makes sense. But you’re basically giving Amazon a loan until you spend your money. And if you don’t spend it, it just sits there, not earning interest.


Trump is loving the moderates splitting the votes to date with Bernie taking the lead. Bernie will never pull the Republican votes needed to win the General election. As a Democrat, I’m going to have a hard time voting for him (that’s not to read that I would EVER consider voting for Trump).
Dems need the moderate

Seriously, what the fuck. It’s one thing to run a con-job, but it takes a set of balls larger than my head to do it ONLINE and basically POST IT TO THE WORLD.

As a diehard BTLC fan, I would be all in on an Old Man Jack Burton movie. 

Probably doesn’t JIBE with you either...

Yea, I forget the term but if Tesla gets sued and the guy wins, his lawyer should push for a payout that’s basically a penalty on Tesla to discourage them from doing this again.

When I was younger and lived up north, they used to sell this similar to how they sell Parmesan cheese (it was a slim gold canister). We’d put sprinkle it on Beef Stroganoff and it was great.

I always thought anything below parallel puts too much strain on your knees (it does for me anyway). I will typically squat to parallel, need to keep those knees in shape as long as I can.

They had more on than most cheerleaders, and definitely more on than what women wear at the local pool in the summer.