Eh, The Simpsons reruns aren’t on FXX on Wednesday nights, so I was flipping between this, the LSU/Florida St baseball game and CSI reruns. Not a lot of high cards in the ol’ Wednesday night TV deck.
The Outsports article is outstanding, and I’m absolutely thrilled for O’Callaghan that he has worked through his mental health issues. I hope he continues to thrive and, hopefully, completely puts his mental health issues behind him as his body heals physically, and I hope he can live the life that he wants, on his…
Good dad too. I’ve known him for about fifteen years and he and her mom are about as loving and supportive as it gets. I saw his pictures from Pride with them all wearing their matching t-shirts and I’m still talking about it online so I guess it was pretty damn cute.
I’m saving butt stuff for when my marriage is lull.
I already knew they could see it, but the fact that many women didn’t know men could see it what a little funny, so just carry on like it’s no big deal, since it clearly isn’t.
Speaking as someone who is butthole self-conscious, I wish I had never read this. I was living in blissful denial. Ignorance was bliss.
Yup. Tom Cruise isn’t funny. The Mummy was funny. Tom Cruise is incapable of laughing at himself.
I would have watched a legit horror thriller called Imhotep, only Imhotep is now a woman. They could have subtle elements of the original (from 1940 whatever).
As a Mets fan and a Vet, I really like this comment.
Matt Harvey should tell the Mets trainers and pitching coaches to fuck off. He should also sue the fucking Wilpons for as much money as he can for fucking up his body and essentially ruining his career.
Kids born when Bonilla signed that contract are entering their senior year of high school this fall, and kids born today will be in their senior year of high school when the contract finally ends.
All because the Mets’ owners had these killer investments going on with Bernie Madoff that they needed more up-front money…
Just a reminder, the highlight of Mets calendar is approaching quickly. Only 15 more shopping days left until Bobby Bonilla day.
Rachel Weiss and Brendan Fraser played off each other perfectly in those 2 movies. There was NO need for a remake. All they needed to do was look at how badly Mummy 3 failed without Rachel. Even John Hannah couldn’t help pull that one out of the trash heap.
They don’t care. They’ve never cared until they get caught usually.
This. My friend and I saw a trailer for this a few months ago and we both agreed that not only was a rebooted Mummy unnecessary, it was also ill-advised. It’s hard to reboot a cult classic because it’s hard to replicate the things (like delightful campiness) that made it that way. And it seem like such a tonal shift…
I won’t see the new one(s) for very specific reasons:
I never watched the 00's Mummy movies but something about Brendan Fraser really endears me to him. I felt bad that someone as terrible and egomaniacal as Tom fucking Cruise had to shit all over his legacy, so soon after the Fraser Mummys came out.