Yeah, this is a very well written story. I was legit getting choked up at my desk during the part with Pioli, and I too never thought I’d like that guy.
TBH this is really what men think when they see it
They do care, if not for moral reasons than because they need the paycheck like everybody does. The only reason you haven’t heard of this before is that usually when something bad happens, it’s dealt with immediately, before it makes it in to the media and before it can derail the entire production. They really fucked…
Producers have a responsibility to keep the cast and crew safe (or to look at it more cynically, to keep the production from being sued because somebody wasn’t kept safe). If this is as clear a violation of consent as it appears to be, it’s well beyond the point of “drunk people hooking up” and for a myriad of moral…
These producers really fucked up by not stopping it. Not only is it the obvious moral thing to do (yes, even in reality tv we have morals), but all the summer shoots for other shows are fully staffed, and now everybody is out of a job and probably won’t work again until the fall. No sympathy for the producers who…
The 00's Mummy movies are great, campy fun. They don’t take themselves too seriously but still have some good popcorn action. If they wanted to make a gritty, serious version with a stick in the mud like Cruise, they needed to completely disconnect from the not-very-old Mummy movies before it. Not use the exact same…
I read the whole Variety report. It ignores a major point beyond just Cruise - a lot of people still really like the 00's Mummy movies with Brendan Fraser and had no appetite for them to be rebooted, and certainly not in such a humorless way. A simple change? Not calling it “The Mummy.” Call it “The Mummy’s Curse” or…
Tbh this is every guy
Bent-over a couch or something, both people with their feet on the ground?
Oh man, probably the greatest debate in Kinja history. Similar phenomenon.—the-great-wipe-hope
No I mean it makes sense now that I think about it, but like to a lot of women on this thread, I just never did. I assumed everybody knew. Like the ole sitting wipe/standing wipe debate or something.
I mean other than that it looks nice and that we like to think about doing stuff to it? The more rapidly it contracts, the better job I’m doing.
Sure, I guess there are some factors. Size of the behind could be one of them, but I’ve been with some not-small ladies and it’s still very much visible. I guess there’s kinda three types of doggy style as well to consider. (Gonna use boy/girl pronouns for this for ease, but y’all do you) In the standard one, kneeling…
As a straight dude, I’m kind of amazed women *don’t* know this already. Not only is it very clearly on display, most dudes enjoy spending time staring at it. It’s one of life’s simple pleasures.
Don’t bother. He (or she!) has already seen it, enjoyed it, and Did Not Care what color it is.
Seconded. Straight male here, in standard doggy-style position, I am basically staring at your butthole the whole time. And enjoying it.
The non-snark answer is that no HS pitcher has ever been drafted 1-1, as they’re considered too far from the majors and, as a pitcher, too prone to injury. That’s not a knock on Greene himself, just on HS pitchers overall.
As somebody who sat through the entire Seahawks-Broncos Super Bowl, yeah, it was a fucking close game.
GTFO with your thinly veiled crap. How many years have I heard broadcasters cream themselves over Yadier Molina and his “leadership” Bartolo Colon barely speaks a word of english but was considered the leader of the Mets’ pitching staff for three years. When Matt Harvey got suspended, who was the first person to reach…