As is Leah Remini!
As is Leah Remini!
Every time before sexytimes I’m excusing myself to the bathroom & double checking all my crevices. I would be mortified for a guy to lick my pussy or ass & find anything that shouldn’t be there.
I can’t believe this is even a question. As a lady who is into butt stuff, my partner best be enjoying the view from back there, and preferably should be engaging in other activities wherein my butthole is the, uh, center of attention. I also enjoying returning the favor.
I’m not really sure who wins by you inserting this in here. I truly, truly, truly hope, however, that all those people are finding and dating each other only and leaving the rest of us to be okay.
I’m so confused. Did people stop doing butt stuff? I thought butt stuff was still cool? How the hell do you marry someone and not see their butthole?
Women in general are delightfully naive about the raunchy shit guys see (and think).
69ing is why I know what my partner’s butthole tastes like.
Because it’s part of you and therefore, beautiful.
I figured that was the selling point tbh
It’s a bonus feature for some
Completely accurate. And if the lights are on, I can go full-Salvador Dali and count the wrinkles.
They’ve all seen it, trust. Many have likely thought of exploring it.
How was this even a question. OF COURSE you see butthole doing it doggy style. You can see butthole when you’re doing many normal sex acts.
I got my butthole bleached once because I was paranoid that my bf (now husband) was grossed out by its naturally dark color. I didn’t tell him I did it and he never seemed to notice. A couple years later we were joking around with some friends at a dinner and I brought up that I’d had my b-hole bleached and my bf was…
I believe that it kind of depends how fat your ass is, and distribution of said fat. I bet you can see buttholes easier with skinny butts. I also feel like I have seen on-all-fours hetero porn where you couldn’t see the butthole.
I’d like to interject that if you’re aiming at quality doggy style some spreading of the cheeks is desirable (ahem). Then everything would be on display, but really, who cares? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Was this ever a question? Really?
Can someone explain to me how the handling of Hurricane Katrina is a crime of similar caliber to the Versace assassination or the Monica Lewinsky scandal? I don’t want to trivialize the latter two, but they’re far more sensational stories. I’m wary of how the Katrina story is being handled.