
Yeah, having grown up in Denver I have a litany of criticisms for the place, but one of those would be that they care TOO MUCH about the Broncos. When we go visit my parents, my wife and I play count the Bronco jerseys and lose track before we get to baggage claim. This was just as true in the McDaniels dark ages as

um, kinda just worked great for the broncos...

As a professional TV editor, I’m pretty confident in saying that there’s nothing these editors could’ve done to change her performance in any meaningful way. We can only work with what we get, or as we like to say in the post-production world, “you can’t polish a turd.”

Yeah, I can live with Ashley Feinberg being here because she has, you know, some talent, but I do not want to have to see these poorly thought out screeds of Hamilton Nolan looking down his nose at us. He is the master of the bad take, and I wish deadpsin would allow Drew Magary space to shit all over them.

jesus fucking christ how have I never seen that gif before it is horrifying

I haven’t been able to figure out the Harambros. Are they Bernie Bros who needed an outlet for their memes? Are they racist? Am *I* the racist for thinking there might be racial overtones? Did I write this whole comment because I think the term “harambros” is funnier than the actual Harambe stuff?

That Andre verse tho

This is a problem I will never have, and my wife is very happy about that. Growing up and through college, I was terrible at video games, but I’d feign interest because my friends were in to them and stuff. I’m still terrible at video games, but now I just don’t care, and it’s more of a blessing than a curse.

Wait, when did Lindsey Adler start writing for Deadspin? Amazing to see such a strong hire with everything going on around here. Hopefully this means Deadspin lives on!

This just keeps getting better and better

If you actually like spending time with each other, it will be great. If not, you’ll find out pretty damn quick and that will be for the best. Personally, I love living with my wife and loved living with her when we were just dating.

Given all the empty seats in Rio, who tf needs to buy scalped tickets?

Wilmore’s show was way better than that garbage-ass Trevor Noah half hour. RIP Comedy Central political humor, either scrap the whole concept or start from scratch with some better talent. Too bad Williams already jumped ship...

Seems consistent with the NHL’s thinking on expansion team name. Remember ‘lumbus? “Let’s see, we have a team called the Blues, and a storied franchise commonly called the Blue Shirts. I know! Let’s name a team Blue, um, Jackets! Blue Jackets! It just makes so much sense.”

This post was designed to get lots of Well Actually comments, right? If so, good job. otherwise, maybe hire somebody who follows baseball?

Some thoughts from my own hunt a couple years ago:

Is Hamilton taking over this section or something? I’d love to read Drew take a huge shit all over this. This is some grade-A oblivious rich person drivel. Sorry a doctor thought that a natural birth might be a bad idea. But something tells me your kids won’t share the belief that this is the best lifestyle for them,

If you’re the subject of any kind of trend piece like this, I’m willing to guess that you have enough money you don’t need that tree in your backyard...

**Unpaid** suspension!

What, last year’s offense wasn’t a dumpster fire already?