
He also fairly publicly tried to use a “do you know who I am” to cut in front of hundreds of people (with his family while on a ski trip) at the Bozeman Montana airport once when a bunch of flights were delayed. Considering the average wealth and influence of that crowd, it did not go over at all. Security laughed in

After this description I was half expecting to read “Unfortunately, at 9pm is was time for a shift change so the entire emergency team went home and new team came to replace them 35 minutes later.”

This I simply do not believe. The driver, sure, she was probably intoxicated and panicked and didn’t have the right tools, but the bystanders? They were on a working farm for Christ sake. There is no excuse for them not be able to break that glass unless the car was flipped over and the windows were in the mud. I can

I don’t have any kind of idea how much Tyson has kept up his fitness over the years. He could still be in amazing shape if he kept himself up. I’d personally love it if he beat Jake Paul to a pulp, but I don’t think Jake Paul would go in the ring with him if there was any chance of that happening - so that makes me

I’d love to know if if has less of a binge spike than other shows too.  We are watching it as a family which is spreading out our watch compared to when we watch something individually or just my wife and I.

I think they really walked away because Paramount gave them carte blanche and a massive paycheck (which they completely deserve). I have huge respect for the Avatar creators, but I think their claim of “creative differences” was a shitty PR stunt to throw cold water on the production when they got a much better deal

What a great collection of games!

I also didn’t like that the synthesis option was never even presented until the last minute or so of the game.  And with almost no information.  It didn’t feel like an earned decision at all, it was just this sudden “And here’s this magic Kumbaya solution”

If you can make a Foundation TV show where Terminus is destroyed, there is no second foundation, flips the basic premise of Psychohistory, and mocks key lines from characters in the books, then anything can be an adaption!

I’ve heard some rumors that this has really put the nail in Destiny’s coffin.

I’ve worked in the games with Movie people. You have to understand that they A) work on a level of company politics that makes the most backstabby game studio look like a kindergarten, B) Have 0% respect for everyone on the narrative side of the games industry (they have a tiny bit of respect for the technical

Don’t get me started with Foundation. Which at this point, I call an “antidaption.”

I love the movie, but the book and the film are very different. A key theme of the book is that the protagonist is an immature self-centered kid that learns to become responsible, care for his squad-mates, and becomes a leader through shared adversity. That’s really the core of the narrative of the book. It’s less

I don’t know, if you read some about Verhoeven, particularly regarding this movie and Robocop, I would error on the side of him being a secret genius.  I think there were just some movies he cared deeply about and some he knew were cash grabs.

Just to set the record straight. I was there at the time, plenty of us got it. Both with Robocop and with Starship troopers. They are both glorious movies that completely satirized the worst parts of America at the time.  Incredibly of the moment and ahead of their time.

You realize the Morbius Re-release is one of the greatest cases of a large corporation getting punked in the history of PR.

Latency is still far too much of an issue in the US.

It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens. With both Intel and AMD making a huge push to add graphics processing to their CPUs I could see a day where it is very hard to even buy a laptop that doesn’t have excellent GPU capabilities. In which case we again hit the scenario of “Why buy another device?”

Given Sony’s announcement last week and the anti-trust case, I was thinking that both parties might have a little bit of detente and declare that 1st party games would be cross platform after a year.