
Even small children randomly making stuff up produce more actual creativity than ChatGPT.

If our moral compass is completely subject to our income and class status, then there is no morality at all and she should shut the fuck up about her supposed principles.

What are you talking about?!

AI writing is dogshit. And it’s not capable of getting much better than it already is, because the computer doesn’t know what it’s saying. It scans, but has almost no content, and the content that’s there is beige and bland, because that’s all the machine can do.

I’m devastated, I believe AI to be unethical, dangerous and designed solely to eliminate artists careers.

There is an element of “you reap what you sow” in this situation.

Minds are not just general evolution, nor just the way a human generally functions. Heck, humanity is not really that different from our predecessors. What makes the difference is our idiosyncrasies how we bring our experiences together, our own limits, and our own drives. The thoughts we have before we create

pulling the next most likely word out of a dataset

To be perfectly clear that doesn’t mean these AI tools can’t commit copyright infringement. If someone uses ideas from your fanfic and starts publishing it as their own you still have your full rights to sue them even if it was generated with an AI because just like with lockpicks the tool is fine so long as you are

Machine learning just checks for what is the most likely next word or pixel or whatever based on probabilities it learned from all the texts it was fed.

Isn’t it the case that every writer has “trained their model” off of the hard work of the authors that came before them? If you’ve borrowed a book from a library you’ve even done so at virtually no cost to yourself. Now... there obviously isn’t a clear 1:1 correlation between how humans refine (train) their art and

Well... it strikes me as common sense that it probably doesn’t extend to him standing on a soap box shouting political opinions out to dozens of people randomly passing by in a park... but probably does extend to him running a talking-head show (strikingly similar to his FOX show) where he shares his political

The details matter and we don’t have a lot of them at this point... but from what I’ve read elsewhere it sounds like he wasn’t hit by a bus nor struck down by a completely random brain aneurysm or something (the sort of thing that could conceivably be linked to stress, but far more loosely than something like suicide

Could he not stand on a soapbox in the park and do the same thing without violating the non-compete?

While the OP probably should have provided some links, a few seconds of Googling will answer all of your questions (including some comments direct from McGinty’s mother). This article is a rare example of these sites showing a bit of tact while the details trickle in.

Imagine how the industry negotiations are going to go once the AI tools really start taking off in these fields. You’ll probably (sooner than you might imagine) have a single art-minor directing tools for every 100 fully trained artists working today. It has to be disheartening for folks that have dedicated their

“Fox defends its very existence on freedom of speech grounds,” Bryan Freedman, one of Carlson’s attorneys said in a statement last week. “Now they want to take Tucker Carlson’s right to speak freely away from him because he took to social media to share his thoughts on current events.”

Is the title of this article meant to be misleading? It makes her sound more like a soulless lobbyist than a research scientist.

Setting aside the fact that you seem to want to “gatekeep” my ability to be critical on, apparently, any level (rather than actually challenging the points I raised)...

This doesn’t seem surprising to me, but it’s worth noting...