
Bingo. I’m not for a moment suggesting the fire killed the witches.

That’s 100% horrible but that means it could happen with this show.

100% agree. Most of the kids dialog sounded NOTHING like anything I ever heard a child say... even a gifted child. I was mostly taken out of the episode by trying to figure out if the children were twins or not. If they weren’t twins they were doing some incredible shots. But they are twins, so I’m less impressed. LOL

That's an unsupported assertion. The human mind is more of a black box than any generative AI and there are behavioral scientists who will tell you it is entirely possible that we compose in the same way without being consciously aware of it. Other opinions differ of course but my point is that the science is not

I’m a software engineer and yeah I look at it and see exactly what was on the tin. the software trained on publicly available texts just as any writer would and can now generate new content using what it trained on. the work wasn’t “stolen” just like the fanfics did not “steal” the work that they are writing fanfics

It seems like the crux of the matter is whether Carlson is being compensated for his Twitter program. If he’s not making money, if he’s just giving away his opinion on matters, it doesn’t seem like a non-compete would be violated. Could he not stand on a soapbox in the park and do the same thing without violating the

I mean, what else could have killed a comic artist at such a young age? Coal miners, steel workers, loggers and comic artists all share overwork as the most common cause of premature death.

If she’s determined to prove something, I’d be worried about confirmation bias. 

Becuse they can't hire 73 directors of DEI.

Gizmodo trying to justify/defend their current editorial stance on new technological developments after claiming to be a tech blog for the last 20 years.

This is a very favorable interpretation of what happened to the original Luddites.

Getting other people more than they had is only good if it leaves you with less than you had.

He bought five houses. There are 87,000 people in Greenville.

Let’s be honest. 99% of the people who criticize Mr. Beast would *love* him if he spent all of his money on himself but made 5 minute videos one a month about how evil capitalism is.

That and the fact that under totalitarian regimes, there are no "requests" for anything, they simply have access. See: China, Russia, etc... 

Playbook is interesting, but it’s a fairly hardcore Americanism that most English-speakers won’t necessarily understand, so it’s not much of an improvement outside the US. I think “methods” would be more generally understood.

That’s why we went with Bluetooth.  Certainly the dead batteries issue can be challenge, but the headphones we have get around 15 hours of usage between charges, so we just plug them in over the weekend.  We’ve never had a problem with connectivity, but I suspect this depends on the brand.

But John Wick has consistently been increasing its box office taken. The ...Has Fallen films made $170 mil, $206 mil, and $147 mil, respectively, while the John Wick films made $86 mil, $174 mil, and $327 mil, respectively, against comparable or lower budgets

All solid examples (Pitch Perfect even has a TV show!) but in each case, the originals all came out before the first Wick. Plus none of their most recent iterations had the biggest opening of the franchise like Wick did. Those are all dead while Wick is now thriving. (Knives Out could belong alongside Avatar and A

In the Name of the Wind is a great example of why prose really doesn’t matter that much. Rothfuss can write great prose but he is fucking AWFUL at storytelling, characterization, plot, worldbuilding, etc. It’s impossible to read his books without cringing in vicarious embarrassment for how it treats women like he was