

Even if Mae had nothing to do with the death of the Coven she certainly still tried to burn her sister alive... simply because she wanted to leave. I prefer the whole battling perspectives angle, but I have a hard time imagining any missing piece of the picture that could make sense of her actions... unless the

I think one of the central themes of the series, shored up by some of the expanded universe stuff, is that the dark side is inherently masculine. Mae is both aggressive and posessive pretty much all of the time... even as a child. “If I can’t have you, no one can!!!” It’s... a bit much if that is really the way they

You moved the goal post.

They didn’t just walk past them. Osha stops and starts hyperventalating when she sees the first group of bodies... Sol has to drag her away. He does so again when she recognizes the body of her mother a few seconds later. They are ostensibly running for their lives here.

I think you may have been distracted by the

I don’t know that “hand-waved” is the right way to put it.

Subtle, they are not.

We only see things from Osha’s perspective after the start of the fire. I think the broader destruction and the death of the Coven were the product of a confrontation between the Coven and the Jedi (probably kicked off by THE overzealous padawan that was assaulted/embarassed in this episode and years later kills

Johnny didn’t say that. They said it seemed a bit silly the fire spread as quickly as it did (honestly that was exactly what I was thinking when the door bursts in to flames right at the start of the fire) and then they speculated that Mae may have killed the Coven (maybe in some crazy unexpected/uncontrolled flex of

I don’t think Chuckles said everyone should ignore them. Their point seems to be more about how most folks simply end up magnifying their voices with their impotent outrage. That obviously doesn’t help.

Do you know much about the prominent racist stereotypes of 1640's Finland?

He assessed the physical capabilities of the Ambassador (also establishing controlled physical violence as a dimension of their limited social dynamic). He got the knife out of storage. He prepared the knife. He stands in wait before the knife during the period of time the Ambassador is most likely to visit him again

To answer your question no. I don’t think it can possibly feel shame.

What I want to know is... does it regret its error?

That is probably the only way it would work (assuming it’s still supposed to be some version of Geralt). The comic book movies have been softening the mainstream up on the multiverse trope so I can even imagine it being sold as an opportunity in a pitch meeting.

Even Michael Scott thought twice before putting the final touches on his Darryl costume.

I didn’t fully realize Cavill was in this new season until it was fed to me by the app this last weekend... so I get it. It’s weird to think about because I’m sure I’ve read that he was going to be back for season three... but the persistent negative buzz around his exit sort of pushed that thought right out of my

It may only be related to “safety procedures and policies” in the sense that the worker wasn’t actually following those things at the time of the incident. This sort of thing could be intentional (like suicide)... but it’s probably far more likely to be mundane negligence or error. I think they are simply saying that

AGI is certainly a totally different topic, but automation rarely takes over an entire domain overnight. It just does so inevitably. We’ve been very fortunate that it’s encroachment, historically, has been mostly gradual (allowing for new generations of people to adjust) but the rate has been accelerating over time.