
apparently nothing about how the united states takes advantage of video games for propaganda purposes itself.

Peter is the guy who says “No One Dies”. That’s someone who would fight fate itself to save anyone and everyone.

So... do we think it’s more than... like... 7 trolls behind this?

My biggest pet peeve with movie-tv-Superman, as a hero, is that he doesn’t actually deal with difficult choices. If he is presented with two unavoidable bad choices he’ll miraculously pull a third choice out of his butt (or simply reveal some new impossible way of using his powers). The struggle is only ever token. I

You mean the Jews?

I think it is fair to say that a Luddite is anybody who sees new technology changing their lives and would rather fight the change and delay the inevitable than try to adapt. That can be out of inability, greed, or laziness.

I get that... but those products were ostensibly designed and sold before he took on that massive lease for the neighboring building... which (going by virtually all his videos on it) has proven to be a much more costly investment that, so far as I can tell, hasn’t started producing extra revenue for the company.

I hope

It’s not about “winning”, it’s about better understanding reality so our arguments and actions have some hope of making sense. I certainly won’t apologize for pointing out that you haven’t actually engaged with my point on any level.

The only thing I’m seeing that seems moronic is your clumsy manipulation of my words. The actual quote is “A professional writer exposing a lack of knowledge regarding the definition of a word is almost objectively more funny than Musk being prurient.”

What, precisely, is moronic about this quote? The article is built

To anyone actually following this exchange, please note the complete absence of content in the two previous replies from daba. This, along with an appeal to imagined realities where humans behave in ways not at all consistent with our actual history, are typical responses from people with rigid far-left socialist

Claiming, on a tech blog, that you’ve never heard of LTT is the worst humble brag I’ve seen today.

I’m actually surprised he didn’t take the 100m buyout. I had the impression that he’s in a somewhat challenging spot with his new property expansions for creator warehouse... and his income still seems to rely heavily on the whims of Google. Even with Floatplane that has to have cost him a lot of sleep over the years.

The two sentences that immediately followed that statement support it. Socialism, on its own, is evidently inherently unstable. The evidence is that every stable country on the planet mixes socialism and capitalism. I asked for a single example that illustrates otherwise... the fact that you didn’t even try only furthe

It seems to be that the details matter (like the actual terms of rental, etc) and we don’t have those details. The suitability of the term “company town” hinges entirely on details we don’t have.

This is... well... a good point.

Socialism is evidently unstable. This is why the most stable countries on the planet mix elements of socialism and capitalism. Please... for the sake of your own sanity... point out a real world socialist success story that isn’t embedded in a capitalist framework.

Would an CA employee be asked to cut their salary in half while temporarily working in MO (because the cost of living is roughly 1/2 that of CA)? Almost never. So why would anyone expect anything different when an American travels to Africa?

Is $2/hr a bad wage in Africa? A few minutes of googling pulls up the“livable wage” for an individual in South Africa as about $380/month (USD).

I’m sure it’s complicated... surely it varies quite a bit by region and the contexts are so different it’s hard to even draw analogies to America... but this article doesn’t

I think the point I’m trying to make could be clarified by analogy. Political movements have overly-simplistic slogans... not because they want to oversimplify... but because that is the only way that public messaging seems to work. For example... if someone were to argue that “Black Lives Matter” is an

“More food makes you bigger. Bigger people die faster.”