I think most people, regardless of how poorly they manage their personal time, would rather be able to buy the game later at a less inflated cost.
I think most people, regardless of how poorly they manage their personal time, would rather be able to buy the game later at a less inflated cost.
You get to finish the game and then recoup some of the money you spent by selling it to someone else... or you wait and don’t have to worry about recouping anything because the games price isn’t superficially inflated anymore. That is the opposite of “losing” money. It’s the games in your digital archive, that you’ll…
I am pretty sure I watched “Pump up the Volume” on YouTube a few months back (was surprisingly high quality, probably bluray rip). I think these “streaming nowhere” movies sometimes fly under the radar longer than usual on various anyone-can-upload streaming services.
Digital copies are even worse... virtually no distribution cost for Nintendo, they often/usually carry the same price tag as physical copies and you can’t resell (or even gift?) the games later. It’s borderline a scam... that most of us eventually, perhaps inevitably, accept in exchange for a minute bit of convenience.
Or... you know... use a modicum of self control and don’t buy a game until you either have time to play it or it’s on sale. Either of these simple options would leave you better off in every way.
Says the person sooooo offended they had to...
Such a great movie.
.. are you really under the impression that working on a failed project doesn’t have any negative impact on a persons career? It won’t play a roll in performance evaluations? Really?
The other odd thing I’m encountering is “but trans people are saying that buying this game will directly harm them” as if it’s a compelling argument in-and-of-itself.
The trans community is full of people with diverse views. Some of them will be buying this game without an ounce of shame. How dare you sum that beautifully diverse group up as some monolithic entity with a single voice.
If those royalty checks have any impact on her, it’s only as a useful rhetorical device on twitter. Even billionaires enjoy banter.
All of you are acting like you don’t understand that cracking the armor is still worthwhile. The point of every battle is not to win the war, but to advance the position. And the point of not supporting bigots is that bigots aren’t worthy of the support of reasonable, rational adults.
You mean like this article?
It’s fair to say that the middle-ground is not necessarily an ideal position... but that is actually different from establishing that it’s a less than ideal position in this instance.
1. This seems obvious.
Why? She could already do that 10's of thousands of times over without receiving a cent for this game.
Do you think you could lift an elephant if I trimmed its nose hair? No? Even though it has a negative impact on its weight?
“I’m absolutely going to support this. Its more important to support a transphobe than the people being harmed.”
You could delete all of Harry Potter, all the past and even future possibilities for the Harry Potter universe, and she would still not need a single penny from you... and, more importantly, she would retain access to any and every platform she cared to want access to.
What platform, currently existing or even imaginable in the future, will be taken from Rowling by your choice to not purchase this game?