
LOL no. It is objective truth that the conservative justice leapt at the opportunity to introduce a little theocracy into the mix.

This Supreme Court decision is woefully incorrect and decided purely on emotional and religious reasons.

The debate was made and retested in both Roe and Casey.

I’m not in it to debate for debates sake either... I just care about what is true... which you’re unlikely to get to from a dogmatic position (as religious people, even outside organized religion, illustrate constantly).

So... meet honest conviction with willful obfuscation... and... hope for the best?!

doesn’t your final statement undermine your own point? let’s say there’s some compelling philosophical argument in favor of 2-year-olds not having human rights. you’re kind of admitting at the end there that such an argument would fall flat even in your own eyes due to the social implications, right? so then how does

it only rests on that point for one who is willing to entertain the possibility of the fetus being cognizant to the level of being like ‘oh no don’t abort me mommy i love you,’ in which case i would never stoop to arguing with such a person for obvious reasons!

Your entire point hinges on when (and whether?) the following statement is true.

They want universal health care and a constitutionally protected right to bodily autonomy.

The question is, and always has been, when those rights begin. When does a clump of cells (fetus, baby... whichever rhetoric you prefer) stop being property and start being a person with their own rights that must be weighed against the rights of others. That is legitimately debatable and pretending otherwise only

I felt that was one of the least satisfying videos he has done. I mean... fun to see how he figured it all out... but conceptually... the whole system being much larger and more cumbersome than the full fat PS5 was a little bait/switch.

Yeah, but Anakin’s statement about himself is a metaphor too so I don’t really get this criticism. The flavor of the metaphor shifts a bit, but it’s still not a literal statement.

There are some circles of the internet that say under volting can also cause damage over time.

Imagine being even remotely upset that somebody is making light fun of Kotaku.

Vader wasn’t established as Luke’s father at the time, even in Lucas’ head. As such, ANH treats Anakin and Vader as two entirely different people.

The hotspot on the core was 105C on a used 3080 in Doom Eternal.

These people both have serious abuse allegations against them (Heard from prior relationship with a woman (believe women?!?!), not just from Depp) and virtually everything in the trial just made it crystal clear that both of them are pretty messed up people that made each other much worse while they were together.

But we’re talking about something being put out for a holiday that’s specifically involves parts of American history that centers Black people and some dipshit puts out something that’s the name of an ape it is not merely limited experience but hundreds of years of actual history about how white people treat Black

Uh-huh, but experience exists for a reason, and pretending it doesn’t, and pretending it should never be taken into account is just deluding yourself.

The issue is that totally ordinary people that make mistakes (you know, humans) tend to lose sympathy for people when none is extended to them. We each deserve grace... until we don’t (of course).