
So, I’m never going to be critical of someone who does throw up a LBTQ logo or a BLM hashtag because that’s a seed that could potential grow into something fruitful.

It’s obviously being used disingenuously here.

My vote is for a “legend” character (maybe OR?) pulled in from the EU, but who knows. I don’t think it’s a known character from the first game.

He did attribute a quality to the person (they are a very cross person) rather than just saying something about their behavior (which may not actually be typical for them). That is somewhat rude and not something the OP is guilty of in this instance... but it’s not as though that is uncommon on the internet so it’s

I think Canada is a super interesting case, in particular, because of how similar Canadian life is to American life. You can point at some important contextual differences (the US has an extra border that is actually very relevant to this topic), but I think a major difference really is how easy it is to get guns. I


That you don’t think statistics is valid...

It was a building full of children. “Containing” the threat to a single classroom is actually a form of containment... it’s just also a very tone-def (defensive?) way for police to describe events to the media.

The rhetoric is certainly terrible, but I suspect hostage situations are vastly more complicated than people here seem to want to admit.

If they burst in to the room, ostensibly what people think they should have done, and the guy killed just as many people in that exchange (which is certainly not beyond the realm of

Yup. Which means the answer (to this problem, and many others besides) is generally more funding for police forces... because proper training is actually more expensive than the (on average) shitty training they get now.

This is not to say there can’t also be smarter funding... the specific problems (and solutions) of

I would usually be defending your side of this argument... but it strikes me that it really can matter when a character is as distinctive as Elvis.

Yeah, the Beatles “were famous” is probably a truer statement than “are famous” right now, which says a lot. Allegedly 1/3 of gen z doesn’t even recognize the band name and most of the rest can barely describe them or their music... and it’s a hilarious stretch to mention them in the same breath as Seth Green.


On a side note (second posted response) the gun proliferation fix (restricting guns, taking them off the streets) can only really be a temporary one. We already have a growing problem with so called “ghost guns” (illegal, untraceable, guns built from easy to obtain components) which is probably only held back by how

Yes, you can argue “self defense”, while anyone else can argue “take a class on self defense.” Yes, you can argue, “but what if they”, but you’re basically just saying “If someone puts death into the world, my reaction is to put more death back into the world.” Two wrongs don’t make a right.

...does the amount of weapons in the states increase the chance for these things to happen. I think it very well does.

Yeah, guns are good at killing - that’s the point. It takes no effort and you can kill someone in a fit of rage before you get a chance to cool down. Also, it lets you systematically murder people when you decide to do so a lot easier. But do go on ignoring the point, it really makes you look smart.

Yeah, it’s difficult for people to die in Plane crash if they never get on a plane too. This always seems like a non sequitur when I hear it.

Honestly, most of your comment seems like a complete non sequitur. I tried to put together a comprehensive response but almost none of the points you’re trying to make marry up with anything I’ve said so I’m skipping over most of it. I’m arguing for making good arguments. That’s it. You’re kinda proving my point.

ESPECIALLY Black and brown people

Are unaware that it has been studied and determined that not only are you more likely to commit suicide...