
...people with guns tend to be violent with their guns.

He may be one of those unfortunate souls that just looks like an Amish hipster when he tries to grow a beard.

Unionizaton *as a movement* is a good thing, period. Unions as actualized, individual entities are neither inherently good nor bad. They do generally mean that employees have concerns or complaints which are not being adequately addressed, so in that sense they are an indicator of a problem (but they’re also a fix).

They probably dock fairly frequently at places far more interesting than most Americans see in their entire lifetimes.

This reminds me of how whenever someone makes a total conversion mod or builds a game using assets and code from an original IP and then people get mad when it’s shut down. That’s literally theft that the gaming community is generally ok with.

If all you can do is iterate on someone else’s brilliance that is fine. Mediocrity is fine. It just isn’t worth celebrating.

I’ll try analogy... I’ll pretty much never turn down a grilled cheese sandwich (even boring, derivative grilled cheese sandwiches are... fine....), but when I celebrate your grilled cheese

One is worth celebrating and the other is not. Seems pretty straight forward.

I think it’s more that they are both inspired by things that came long before either... which means if Marvel is guilty of some form of intellectual theft so is this “Black Dev” (as they sort-of-but-not-really admit).

The ease with which you obtain an illegal weapon is no doubt tied very closely to how easy it is to legally obtain a weapon. This is one of the reasons that nations that are otherwise similar to the US only have a fraction of the gun violence we do. If it’s hard to get a legal gun then it’s certainly much harder to

However, when someone has the opinion, “I disagree with abortion, therefore no-one may ever have an abortion” that kind of rhetoric must be challenged and in the strongest ways. And its not hard to see just how absurd it is to hold that opinion, because just like the two earlier examples we can have the alternative.

Everything... except having a good faith discussion/debate?!

Even RBG knew (and said) RvW was a bad ruling. Being pro-choice, I recognize that we need a better bulwark for reproductive rights which means we need to start having much better conversations about this topic.

Almost as predictable as your self-congratulatory observation.

That said, even though the volume of lore isn’t terrible deep they way it’s structured is intended to spark discussion and social interaction.

“too small to reasonably hold” is relative.

Is that you, Elias?

That... is... fair.

Yeah, but people also lie all the time and frequently do things that don’t make sense to other people. I’m sure cases are dropped and statements are rescinded daily in the hundreds or thousands and probably many, if not most, have comprehensible explanations that aren’t particularly suspicious (that we aren’t really ow

I think it’s actually pretty well established that people tend to believe the first story they read.

I think this thread sort of illustrates how easy it is for high profile people and companies to find themselves in lose/lose situations like this. If they just let the article be published, or they simply failed to

Pedo does seem the wrong word for it... but did a lot of these “hot older girls” you observed in the 90's solicit the attention of underage boys for direct monetary compensation? This certainly seems Chris Hansen adjacent.

I think the internet kind of confounds our intuitions here a bit (also, our double-standards