
1. TERF is a term created by Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists to describe themselves. They just got pissed off when people started realizing who they were and calling them their self described descriptor (hence they gear shifted to Gender Critical and are now getting pissed when people call them that because

The fact you think people deploy TERF against “anyone who doesn’t commit to the trans orthodoxy” I’d probably a pretty good indicator about yourself. Like how all the people on the Right going, “I guess everyone who’s white is called a racist now” are just outing themselves.

Have you seen any data that actually controls for the massive explosion in the trans population? All the articles on increases in violence I’ve seen seem to go out of their way to track “events per year” saying things like “deadliest year yet” as if the trans population is fixed.

For example... the *reversion rate for

There does not seem to be a casual relationships between increases in violence in media and increases in violence in reality. The studies we’ve done on this, including some rather extensive ones on video games, clearly substantiate this claim. Kotaku has held up this fact countless times over the years. The most we

I’m sure some of them do. There are a lot of people in the world and some of them are really bad people.

It’s important to note that no one calls themselves a TERF (that is kind of central to the joke Chappelle is making). This is a rhetorical bucket term used by some people to de-legitimize a woman (usually) that

That whole section of the show was primarily focused on the absurdity of the term... how it’s used as a rhetorical bludgeon against anyone that doesn’t fully commit to 100% of the trans orthodoxy.

It’s extremely easy to snap up a couple lines, present them out of context, to make a bad point (that seems good)... it’s extremely difficult to illustrate the point that a nuanced interaction between statements (spread out over 90 minutes) are actually conveying. This is why journalism is supposed to be difficult.

One major difference, I think, is that (for the most part) the AC franchise (and the cartoonish Fenyx) are games you can say your enjoying without being overrun by woke fury on your social platform of choice.


There is a huge disparity in experience between being forced to slog through hours of this game in a relatively short period of days and taking little nibbles and bites over the course of weeks or months.

Most of our small scale conflicts are too complicated (or too-readily tread on social land-mines) to be sold in a major release. We’ll simply be returning to the WWs... well... probably forever.

Do the wf-1000xm3's work from either ear independently?

Do the wf-1000xm3's work from either ear independently?

Well, no. This might be getting into philosophy, but there is only one real physical Mona Lisa. You can make replications, but there is only one Mona Lisa that is down to its very atom THE Mona Lisa that Davin I painted hundreds of years ago. A certificate of authenticity is worthless without the actual real Mona Lisa

These are not comparable concepts.

Battle of the isms.

^ this.

I think, at the population level, we have near-even distribution of liberal-leaning and conservative-leaning people and small percentage of both sides are wackos... but in particular areas of society (news, education, media) we have wildly different distributions between the groups.

You come in saying “we on the left” and then spout Republican propaganda about leftist control of society.

I’m a fan of diversity... not just of socially constructed racial groups, but also of ideas and perspectives. Aren’t you?!

These semantic games can be fun, in a masturbatory way, but they don’t really help anyone. We, on a the left, have a growing problem with dogma and purity tests in particular large and powerful

This is actually a big part of the problem... many people really do have a broken (or nearly-broken) PS4 and/or X1 and they would feel incredibly stupid going out to get anything but a PS5 and/or X S/X at this point.