The name checks out.
The name checks out.
I started a long diatribe on this exact point and was delighted to find someone already did all of the work for me. Kudos.
The only thing I’d add is that modern tents (of the types used for events like this) can certainly be fully climate controlled... which implies a considerable amount of control over the air inside…
...looks as if it will be the deadliest year yet for trans and gender-nonconforming Americans.
Ostensibly, it would require revealing their sources to the court (not the plaintiff).
It’s an additional revenue stream that, yes, largely only has value because the expense can be viewed by collectors as an investment (like how it works with all the other art in the world). This is such a weird argument you are making... as if you are acting as the authority that gets to decide that X ways of…
Probably, but it’s unclear if the difference is meaningful so long as the temps are within spec for the chip... let alone a difference of just a few degrees well within spec.
Is there any evidence that a component running cooler will last longer than one running a couple degrees hotter if both are always within their tolerances?
I’m not shocked.
The micro-stutters are a typical anti-piracy issue and that seems to be the main problem with this games performance (besides poor resolution scaling and some weird menu options, like a max 120 fps cap?!).
I’m not sure anyone has ever even known they really have an original painting. All folks have is, generally speaking, slips of papers from people that claim (through various arguments) the painting they purchased is the original. The only real difference then is when someone fakes an NFT they don’t really have to put…
Your apparent position is insane.
Oh it’s already here, I’m sure... whether they are sincere about the professed concern or not. People are (evidently) just itching to be counter-outraged... which is sweet sweet nourishment for some folks on the internet.
It may sound completely insane, but this is the first time I’ve seriously considered trying to get my hands on a PS5.
I think you know good and well that when an anti-abortionist is making an argument about when “life” begins, they are talking about a human life, a person endowed with all the rights that we think should attach to personhood, including the right not to be killed without justification.
I am Catholic, and if I had a nickel for every time someone’s said to me, “I was raised Catholic,” and then spoke ignorant nonsense about my religion, I would probably have 25 cents.
Again... why is “life” the relevant measure? Why have they latched on to this term and how does it relate to the rights a human being has? My body is filled with human cells that each, in their own right, are alive. Many will continue to be alive even after my brain has ceased all function. This is just an objective…
That Unreal Engine 5 reveal was a pretty big deal... some folks thought it was faked. Nanite and Lumen, in particular, are awesome technologies.
But I think that your claim that every incident with the S.E. takes place in the middle is wrong, as the original event exemplifies: it started as a story on coast, not about the Streisand’s residence. Their lawsuit was the starting point.
The S.E took effect halfway through the story.