At least the political incentives are slightly better now. Trump can no longer benefit from a recklessly rushed vaccine and Biden stands to lose a lot if the vaccine is significantly bungled during his presidency.
At least the political incentives are slightly better now. Trump can no longer benefit from a recklessly rushed vaccine and Biden stands to lose a lot if the vaccine is significantly bungled during his presidency.
To be clear... my experience of almost all interviews of celebrities (junkits, late night, morning shows) is that there is a series of more or less personal questions and, most of the time, the celebrity is delighted to answer these questions... until they aren’t... for reasons. Sometimes these reasons are obvious to…
I think most people are made happy (often surprisingly so) by having children and sincerely wish that experience for others. It reminds me a bit of my experience with religion... I’m an atheist but I’m hardly surprised when people that care about me (made happy and fulfilled by religion) want the same for me. That is…
To be clear, you don’t owe it to anyone to explain why you’re not a parent, but if you find yourself in a position (especially over the holidays) where it’s easier to end the conversation with a response, you may want to borrow some version of Parton’s.
The title is a spoiler in my book. It may not be a big one to you (or me), but that is always the excuse of the inconsiderate.
They aren’t talking about the details of the quest, simply its existence... which is spoiled by a title you can’t really avoid.
Demos are usually free. As the article says, you get to play for a while (probably to confirm your internet is up to the job) then it asks you to buy the game.
I got my four day weekend approved yesterday. I put off the request to the last minute because I was expecting another delay... but I didn’t think they would delay again so close to their release date (after going Gold).
You realize that you could delay a game indefinitely under the “as long as it is for a better game” bit of reasoning.
I just got time off approved yesterday for this game. I waited until nearly the last minute (in terms of company policy on my end) because I was expecting a delay.... but I didn’t think they would do it within weeks of the release date. This is... obnoxious...
Ok. Ditto, I guess.
You said...
The concept of innocence until proven otherwise should certainly reach much deeper than a technicality of the courts... it should be a foundational principal of any personal moral code. Truth matters... probably more than any other single variable.
I think it’s fair to say that they can have both practical and cannon friendly explanations (simultaneously) for balancing the fights for this game.
My whole point is that the profits follow the preferences of the consumers (like the folks that go to tabletop night).
That’s not the really the result, though. Most character generators for most games have a default super-bland white guy, sure, but are carefully created so that they can do more.
Even when presented with a wealth of options and opportunities, people will still default to making what’s comfortable and familiar: themselves. Shouldn’t that mean, then, when game makers implement these character-creation engines they should add options that reflect all of what humanity has to offer, rather than…
You are conflating two different, but related, things.