

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

I don’t, in principal, disagree with the point made in the video... but I love that your video has a preface where the guy says, “plot holes have many definitions, but here is the one I choose to use”... and then the entire video hinges on the definition he has chosen to go with.

The movie tried to make it’s own wonky version of time travel plausible by making the audience feel stupid. That is... like... low hanging fruit within low hanging fruit.

1. The racism of today exists as a part of an unbroken chain reaching far in to our past.

I may be wrong here... but the sales don’t actually afford the developers any bigger a piece of the pie. They probably just get the same cut of a much smaller pie.

That is a pro-consumer, but developer-neutral move.

You may or may not be right about exclusivity, but a bad actor is not absolved of wrong doing simply because the victim has grown used to the abuse.

So long as they aren’t replacing White-Cis cronyism with SJW cronyism, this is a beautiful outcome.

I have the distinct sense that Neilan has never used Tinder... or even spoken to a person that has used Tinder.

While I generally agree with the underlying sentiment of your take on this... it is overtly racist to assume privilege or persecution based on the color of ones skin. We can talk probabilities all day, and be right much of the time, but at the end of the day you don’t actually have any real idea what the life of an

The story goes that when Amber Heard wasn’t doting on him he would get petulant (like a child). The instance you mention is one where he snatched a book she was reading out of her hand, between takes, and tore it up.

Wasn’t a clip of him making horrible misogynistic jokes on a set circulating just last year... and didn’t Amber Heard recently share an anecdote about him bullying and harassing her on the set of Aquaman?!

I guess sex appeal goes a long way.

This makes no sense.

Isn’t this a Lithuanian person streaming from Lithuania?

1. It’s a rational error to equate terrorism with all Muslims.
2. It’s a rational error to dismiss the link between Violent Jihadism and the Muslim faith.

Is it the zealotry we’re celebrating... or the underlying values that happened to be instilled in him... or the combination of the two? I mean... that quote emphasizes the zealotry specifically and, with a slight tweak of circumstance, it could have been a chilling peek at a super-villain (in the making).

The movie illustrated the right way to push a progressive agenda.

The irony of a lot of this is how often very progressive people will argue over this stuff even thought hey actually agree on like 99.9% of the underlying philosophy...

I was annoyed by the way some of the actors were engaging with fans and interviewers leading up to the release of Captain Marvel and I cried like a baby at the end of Shazam.

That... is a good point. You have pointed out yet another thing that T’Challa needs to get woke about.

The guy I think you are referring to looked away and when he looked back his protectee is in a wildly different position from the last place he saw him. This is not a surprising reaction.